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Eternity's screams filled the air as Bellatrix did her work. Eternity tried moving but that made the cuts worse. Bellatrix had scraped cuts all over Eternity's body, rips in her jumper, cuts on her arms.

"What do you think this does to me, huh? Teach me to respect my superiors?" Eternity scoffed.

Bellatrix stopped and pulled the shard out. Before Bellatrix could react, Eternity kicked Bellatrix's hands knocking both the shard and her wand out of her hand. Eternity caught the wand and threw it behind her, before running. She was in terrible pain but had to get to a safer part of the castle. Eternity's cries continued filling the air as she ran...


Eternity woke to a cold hand on her cheek and on her shoulder.

"Eternity. Hey Eternity. Wake up"

Eternity shot up and looked at Draco who was sitting beside her. Her eyes met his. They weren't the "sword" silver she was used to. They looked like a puffy rain cloud. She studied them as he studied hers. They were like a evening sky. Growing dark but still light. Swirls of grey puffing everywhere. They were beautiful.

Eternity broke from her trance and smiled at the soft slytherin in front of her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The boy asked. Eternity shook her head, placing her hands where the cuts were.

"Well Pomfrey said you're free to leave. You ready to go 'home'?" Draco asked.

Eternity smiled at the beautiful blonde in front of her, "I'm ready."

Draco gave Eternity his hand and she placed her's in his. There was a difference in the size but it was cute. He helped her to her feet so she could see if she was ready to walk. She put her weight on her ankle and smiled.

"Let's go." Eternity spoke enthusiastically as they left the hospital wing.


Draco and Eternity walked into a common room full of laughter.

"I've won!" Ginny squealed, the wrest of the group smiling at her laughter. The younger gryffindor looked across the room to the opening door and pointed as soon as she saw the hufflepuff scarf hanging from Eternity's neck.

"You're back! Lei smiled, walking over to hug her best friend.

"How's your ankle?" The hufflepuff asked.

"Much better. Doesn't hurt a bit. What are you playing?" Eternity asked looking at the card deck on the coffee table. Everyone smiled and ushered the two over to see.

"It's called B.S. It's a muggle card game." Ginny said pointing down to the cards.

"B.S. as in bull-?" Draco asked but was cut off by Eternity's hand covering his mouth before he could proceed. Eternity looked at him with a silly look on her face about the curse that almost slipped from his mouth. She lightly smacked his arm earning a chuckle from the blonde.

"Yes. Exactly that." Harry said, starting to deal cards around the circle. Draco looked over at Eternity and smiled. Ginny explained the rules of the game to the couple and they started to play.

"Four jacks," Draco said, placing down cards.

"Three queens," Eternity smiled placing down the cards.

"Oh B.S. Eternity" Blaise said flipping her cards over. Eternity's smile grew even larger when Blaise saw three queens and took the pile into his.

"Hufflepuffs don't lie," she said softly, smiling. Lei smiled a little too, but both girls knew that they had lied a couple times during the round. Draco leaned into Eternity, his breath sending shivers down her neck.

"I don't buy that, Love," he said smirking a little.

"Who says I was selling to you," she whispered back, looking into his eyes. Draco chuckled and the two turned back to the game. The group continued to play until dinner. Everyone looked up when Eternity's stomach growled.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten since this morning," she said shyly. Everyone laughed a little and stood up from the floor.

"Let's go to dinner then, shall we," Lei smiled leading the way out the door.

When they got to the hall, they didn't part ways like usual. Ginny pointed to an empty section at the gryffindor table and they all walked towards it.

Draco sat down beside Eternity, his arm wrapped around her waist, the way it was when they walked in. Eternity smiled and started piling her favorites onto her plate. The dessert appeared and Draco scooped treacle tart onto his plate. Eternity eyed the tart, deciding whether she should have any because frankly she was feeling quite full. She looked from his dessert to him and back. Draco looked at Eternity a little confused until her opened her mouth a little signaling for her to give her some. Draco shook his head scooping up some of the tart onto his spoon and sliding the spoon into her mouth. Eternity closed her mouth and pulled back from the spoon.

"Mmmm." Eternity hummed closing her eyes. Draco chuckled at the sweet mesmerized girl in front of him.

"You know there's a whole pan in front of you, full of tart," he said looking at her. She smiled and nodded her head. Draco didn't know what it was about Eternity but she was incredibly adorable and being with her was like a mug of chai latte in the morning. Being with her made him feel awake and warm all of the time. She was changing him, and he didn't mind.  In fact he loved the effect she had on him.


After dinner the group made their way back to their common room. Eternity grabbed her book from the library before heading into her and Draco's room. She lifted the blankets which she slept under and wrapped herself in them before sitting down.

Draco joined Eternity, also with a book and sat beside her. They read for a while, mostly in silence but every once in a while laughing and explaining what happened in their books. Eternity closed her book and leaned into Draco on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and held her until she fell asleep, and then he fell asleep too.


Hey guys! sorry i expected to post this yesterday but didn't finish it til today but i continued the dream like i said i would and i might branch off of it later, whether she's dreaming or not when i do so.  also i hope you liked the extremely cute ending! -emily

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