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Draco watched as Voldemort held his wand against his mother's neck. Draco closed his eyes and reopened them to see a parallel but in this image, Eternity was the one captive and his father was the one pointing his wand. Draco shook his head and closed his eyes and opened them again to his mother.

"Avada-," Draco closed his eyes and saw Eternity once he opened them again.


Draco screamed and looked at the faces of both menaces. Both images were merging together and he saw his mother and Eternity lying with no life in their eyes, along with the dark lord and his father standing in the same place.

Neither of these were memories. They were fears. Draco once feared that The Dark Lord would kill his mother, and he now feared that his father would find a way to get to Eternity, even within Azkaban. His father was a manipulative man, and Draco wasn't gonna let him lay a finger on Eternity and his mother ever or again.

Draco cried while looking at the merging visions in front of him.

"Stupefy!" Draco screamed, stunning both of his offenders. They both flew back and fell unconscious. Draco ran to the women in front of him. His mother's blonde half of her hair was fading with Eternity's Raven hair. Narcissa's hazel eyes were blending with Eternity's warm brown ones.

Draco heard his name in the background but ignored it as he tried to help the only people who had ever really cared for him, even though he knew it was useless. Draco reached down at both of them but his arms slipped through them and he fell forward into an abyss.

"Draco, Draco wake up."

Draco burst up from his pillow to see Eternity not only in front of him, but straddling him. Her hands were clasped on his face, and his cheeks were a little red from where she must have been gently slapping him awake. Draco looked into Eternity's worried eyes and then away. He kept seeing her lifeless figure when he looked in them. Eternity pulled his face back to hers. Draco sat back against the headboard, subconsciously pulling Eternity with him. He had also subconsciously placed his hands on her thighs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Draco nodded and looked down at the almost completely faded dark mark on his left forearm. He looked back into her eyes before starting.

"It was a nightmare. It wasn't a memory, more of a fear. It started with Voldemort threatening my mother," The Hufflepuff flinched a little when he said the dark lord's name, but it didn't faze her as it used to. Tears were welling up in Draco's eyes as he started to confess.

"When I closed my eyes I would open them to you, being threatened by my father. The dark lord and my father ended up using the killing curse and both images started fading together. All I could do was stand there and watch in defeat because every attempt I made to save you both failed." Draco was now crying as he spoke. Eternity leant down and wiped Draco's wet cheek bones.

"I can't let my father get to you, I won't," Draco choked out, placing one of his hands on Eternity's jawline and his other hand remained on her exposed thigh.

"Draco. Your father is in Azkaban. He won't get out unless his sentence is lifted and I don't think that's something either of us have to worry about. The wars over. There are no more death eaters left that aren't in Azkaban and they aren't getting out," Eternity retorted and comforted Draco. He nodded and smiled at her, not feeling scared to look into her eyes anymore.

"What time is it?" Draco asked,

"All I know is that it's the middle of the night. We've only been sleeping for a few hours," Eternity responded.

The Apple of His Eyes-DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now