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Hey guys this chapter is gonna have a bit of arguing but trust me the arguing will die down. I just want this to seem as realistic as possible and new couples don't always start out peachy. Enjoy!


It had been a day since Draco tried talking to Eternity. She had slept on the couch in the common room instead of in the bedroom to avoid him. Eternity never hated Draco. She saw that he has scars in his past, a cruel father who was manipulative, forcing him into things, teaching discipline instead of love, teaching him that her friends were wrong. In ordinary. She was never mad at him. She was just blaming her anger about the law on him. But he did say some rude things to her and she wasn't gonna let those slide right off her shoulders.

Eternity was out by black lake talking to Pansy.

"Eternity, you have to talk to him at some point. I know you don't hate him. We've been friends for years, if you did I'd know." Eternity rolled her eyes.

"Pansy, I'm not ready for this. I've never been in a relationship. I've never been in love." Eternity face palmed herself.

"You can't blame your anger on him, because it's not about him. Eternity let him talk." Eternity looked up chewing her nails nodding.

"Alright. Fine. I'll let him talk." Eternity responded, even though she knew that what Pansy had said wasn't completely true. His words has hurt her.

Eternity saw Draco sitting in a tree staring out into space. She climbed the tree wanting to get the conversation over with.

"What do you want?" Draco asked rudely.

"To talk, git." Eternity responded looking at Draco's shocked face.

"Who says I want to talk to you," Draco paused for a moment, "Hufflepuff," He finished his snarky remark. Eternity was loosing her temper. This boy was rude and she didn't know if she could ever get a long with him.

"Well at least you're a pureblood." Draco said. Eternity had enough. she thought that he had changed, apologizing to her friends, getting away from his father, but she couldn't tell.

"That's enough Malfoy. I thought that there was something in you that was different. That you didn't care about houses or blood anymore." Eternity's warm brown eyes had gone dark. She was mad, and hufflepuffs weren't known to lash out with anger, due to their patience. Draco was still shocked at her words. He had never seen Eternity so angry and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little scared.

"I- I'm-" He was cut off.

"What, Sorry?" Eternity finished for him.

"Well stop being sorry and start doing what you know is right instead of wrong. If this is ever gonna work out, at least put some effort into it." Eternity finished her sentence and gave Draco a couple seconds to respond. When he didn't, she gave him one last glare before dropping from the tree and storming off.


Pansy watched as her friend stormed off and immediately knew that Draco had said something that turned the sweet, rarely angry hufflepuff, well angry. As soon as Eternity was out of site, Pansy went over to the tree and climbed it herself. She intended on having a nice long talk with her fellow slytherin.

"What was that?" Pansy asked with a sharp tone in her voice. Draco rolled his eyes at her.

"You know that you have no choice but to marry her, and you know the consequences if you don't." Draco nodded at her, his expression blank.

"What did you say to her?" Pansy needed to know what the dimwit in front of her said to make Eternity so mad.

"Something about her being Hufflepuff and at least she's a pure blood." Pansy was lit up with anger, but also remorse for some reason.

"Draco, I know you don't believe that anymore, at least I hope. I know you're growing out of bad habits but try a little harder." Pansy placed her hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Apologize to her, and explain yourself." Draco nodded and watched Pansy jump off the tree, as Eternity did a couple of minutes ago.


Draco made his way to the great hall for lunch. He saw that Eternity has chosen to sit facing away from him. He was hoping he could some how talk to her, but now it would be harder, because she couldn't see him trying.

Eternity finished her lunch and joined her friends at the gryffindor table.

"Hi guys!" She said trying to keep an enthusiastic tone in her voice.

"Oi Eternity, how's being partners with Malfoy?" Ron asked. Eternity rolled her eyes.

"He won't even try. He's already brought up the fact that I'm a hufflepuff multiple times and-" She cut herself off when Draco's eyes made contact with hers.

"Well speaking of the devil," she said looking at Malfoy.

They all looked up and saw he looking at her. Draco made some sort of gesture to leave the hall, and after a couple of protests she abided, saying goodbyes to her friends as she left the hall, followed by Draco.

Eternity leaned on the wall, her foot pressed against it for stability. She waited for Draco to speak.

"I want to apologize. I've been a jerk. I shouldn't have said anything about you being a hufflepuff or a pure blood because it doesn't matter. It's time for me to grow out of old bad habits." Draco said, as Eternity looked for any looks of fraud in his eyes as he finished. She couldn't find any.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you. Growing out of habits isn't easy and people need time to do so , and I shouldn't have brought up your past, I know you're still healing." Eternity finished looking into Draco's eyes.

"So we're forgiven?" Draco asked and Eternity nodded lightly.

"But," she added, "I'm not gone give you my trust immediately. You have to earn it." She said. Draco nodded and smiled a little. Eternity had never seen him smile like the way he did. It wasn't snarky, it was soft and authentic. The two shook on it and headed back up to their common room together. When they got there, Eternity went into the library to read one of the muggle books, and Draco joined grabbing the other, flipping it open and started reading. There was peace in the library for many hours as they read, together.

The Apple of His Eyes-DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now