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There were blasts coming from every where. It looked as if shooting stars were flying uncontrollably around the castle. Eternity blew her raven hair out of her face and wiped sweat from her forehead. In doing so she wiped some blood on her face from the cuts on her hands.
There were screams and yells all around from her fellow peers who were fighting. But there was also laughing coming from the lunatic death eaters.
Eternity looked forward to see a young ravenclaw struggling to fight against a death eater. She ran over to the ravenclaw and disarmed the witch. The ravenclaw escaped but now Eternity had to face the loony bin of a witch. Her hair was long, black and curly. If the witch wasn't a death eater she would have called her pretty, but then again the witch who looked down on Eternity was none other than Bellatrix Lestrange.
Eternity tried to disarm her again but Bellatrix already beat her to it. Eternity's wand went flying a couple feet behind her.
"Oh look, the hufflepuff has come to save the day. Looks like she'll lose the day too." Bellatrix said, her eyes gleaming with evil.
"You will not win! Harry with kill Voldemort. Kill you!" Eternity retorted. Bellatrix cackled and then glared down at her.

"No. You won't die today. I'll make sure you see this war end with you losing. But who says we can't have some fun." Bellatrix picked up a shard of glass and scraped it along Eternity's arms and legs.


Eternity fluttered her eyes open, trying to keep the light from the sun out. Sweat trickled down her neck as she remembered the nightmare she just awoke from. Eternity pushed the dream to the back of the her mind and gave in to the light, pulling the bed hangings open. She looked to her left and her right to see both Kora and Lei's beds empty.
Eternity changed into her jumper and jeans, then pulled on her robes. She looked down at the scars on her hand from gripping onto her wand to hard during the war. She left her dorm and entered the common room to see her friends chatting. They all left the room and headed down for breakfast, eager to hear the news from Mcgonagall.
Eternity sat down at her table and reached for a piece of toast. She put butter on the toast and took a bite. Lei looked over to Eternity holding the pumpkin juice, non-verbally asking if Eternity wanted any and she nodded. Eternity swallowed her bite and took a sip of pumpkin juice, savoring the delicious flavor before swallowing.
As Eternity finished her second glass of juice, students started leaving the great hall to go to class. All except the seventh and eighth years who had to wait for Mcgonagall's announcement. Someone cleared their throat and everyone looked up at the Head Mistress.
"I would like to thank each and everyone of you for coming back to Hogwarts this year. I wish I could tell you that this will be a normal year but it won't. The other professors and I tried to do what we can but the Ministry won't budge." Everyone looked around at eachother a little scared as Mcgonagall spoke.

"Due to wizard population loss from the war, a law has been enacted. A Marraige Law." There were gasps and a couple of cries going around the room. Some of the cries were coming from couples who didn't want to be split up. Eternity looked down at her shoes. She wasn't ready to get married. She hadn't even dated anyone yet. Mcgonagall continued.

"We will be pairing you today. Actually right as I finish this announcement you will be paired. You and your partner will have one year from now to get engaged and should be married and expecting in three years from now." Anger was the most prominent expression in the room, followed by anxiety.

"We will of course keep couples who are already dating together. To pair everyone else together, we will use the amortentia results from your sixth year to choose who your soulmate is. Let us begin"
Mcgonagall sent all of the couples to a table and unrolled a scroll of parchment before starting to read.
"Neville Longbottom-" She paused for a moment, "Luna Lovegood"
"Lei Primm and Blaise Zabini" she continued going down the list.      
"Pansy Parkinson and Terence Higgs"
"Kora Lain and Cal Meran"

Mcgonagall continued and continued. Names being thrown out.

"Eternity Reeves" Eternity looked up from her feet. She wondered who she could be marrying.

"and Draco Malfoy." Eternity looked to all of her friends, eyes spread with horror. They were all shocked, and gave looks of sympathy to her.
"I have one more announcement for you. You will be put into dorms. Three pairs per common room. Malfoy, Potter and Zabini will be in a common room." She continued to list off the common room pairings. Malfoy went to collect the parchment showing info about where the room was.


The group followed Draco to a portrait of a girl and a dog. "Felix Felicis" he spoke and the portrait swung open, the dog barking as they entered. Eternity ran up the staircase on the left seeing her and Draco's name engraved in a piece of medal by a door.

Eternity opened the first door seeing a couch in front of a bed with a nightstand on each side that had a empty slot meant for their trunks. The walls were a deep purple and the sheets of the bed were white. She looked around before grabbing her trunk from the door and putting it on the right side of the bed. She heard a curse from the other side of the hallway. Eternity left the room and went into the hallway grasping onto one of the chairs for balance.

"What is it Malfoy?" There was silence for a couple seconds until he responded.

"There's only one room Reeves." Eternity walked over to the door wear Draco was leaning against and saw a bathroom.

"Don't believe me, then look. But there is no way i'm sleeping with you, hufflepuff. I'll sleep on the couch." he said. She was a little taken back by his rude words but she brushed it off and walked over to the door next to the bathroom, seeing a library.

"Ahhh! A library!" Eternity ran into the room looking at the books. The library looked just like her hufflepuff common room.

Eternity knew an argument would arise between her and Draco but she didn't have the energy. She was still tired from waking up a couple times from nightmares. Eternity left the library and almost reached the stairs but a cold wrist held her own. The hold was gentle but what didn't help was who it was coming from.

"Malfoy not right now." Eternity said sternly but calmly.

"If not now then when? Tomorrow? In two months? The day I have to propose whether I like it or not? When?" Malfoy said his voice raising. Eternity pulled him into the library and shut the door, hoping no one would hear the argument.

"I- I don't know Malfoy. I know you apologized to all of my friends for hurting them and I know you've changed," she looked down at the faded dark mark on his other wrist, "but it's just not that easy." Draco's grey-blue eyes were piercing into her brown ones. Her eyes looked nice and warm but his looks as sharp as Merlin's sword.

"Eternity, we'll have to talk at some point." Eternity walked out of the room and down the stairs to Ginny who was sitting on the couch in the common room. Eternity glared back up at Draco before pushing him out of her mind.

Hi guys I hope you're enjoying this. I don't have a schedule for updating but i'm hoping to update at least once every week. Thank you!!


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