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A/N- (Eternity's wand^^)


Eternity stirred from her rest. She felt arms gently wrapped around her. It took her a moment to realize where she was and who's arms were wrapped around her, but she didn't do anything once she figured out. She looked up at the blonde holding her, as he slept peacefully. She brushed a couple strands of his hair out of his face, causing him to wake up. Draco removed his hands from around her waist to rub his eyes awake.

"Good morning," Eternity said happily.

"Someones surely cheery today," Draco responded with a bit of a chuckle. Eternity cocked her head and playfully frowned. She smacked his shoulder, a soft smile growing on her face, before climbing off him to get ready for the day. Eternity opened the bottom drawer in the dresser and fingered through her tops and sweaters. She found an unfamiliar quidditch sweater in her drawer. She pulled it out and looked at the green and black. It was identical to the quidditch sweater she owned for Hufflepuff except hers was yellow. She knew it was obviously Draco's sweater, she just had no idea he even wore sweaters. It looked big but she didn't care. She wanted to see his reaction when he saw her in it. Eternity grabbed a pair of her mom jeans and walked in the bathroom. Draco had left the room to put the books back in the library and must have stopped to talk to someone in the common room from the balcony. She slipped her small arms and chest into the green jumper and pulled her jeans on. Eternity pulled her hair into a low messy ponytail and then proceeded to get ready. She brushed her teeth and left the bathroom.

Eternity walked straight passed Draco like everything was normal. She ran down the stairs, almost in a skip. She met Lei on the couch. Blaise was leaning against the couch talking to Draco. Eternity sat next to Lei so they could whisper to each other seamlessly. Just as Eternity was about to start whispering, Ginny walked out of her room and Eternity motioned her over.

"I found Draco's quidditch sweater in my sweater drawer. I don't think he's realized I'm wearing it yet." Eternity whispered with a bit of a laugh to both the girls.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Eternity," Ginny said motioning up to Draco. Eternity turned her head and Draco made eye contact. She quickly turned her head away with a smile and a blush on her cheeks. Draco started walking down the stairs and Eternity made eye contact with him again before turning her head back to the girls. They had a mischievous smile on their faces as they made eye contact with each other and started running without saying a word. Before Draco could reach the couch the group of girls were out in the hall laughing. They didn't really know why they ran, it just seemed fun to make Draco chase after Eternity.

Draco stopped at the door, watching the three girls running down the corridor. Harry walked out of his room looking confused about the commotion from within the common room.

"Has anyone seen Ginny?" Harry asked looking around the common room. Draco waved him over and pointed out the door to the three girls who were halfway down the stairs.

"Ahh. I see. Which one started it?" Harry questioned looking from Blaise back to Draco.

"Technically Eternity, but they used their girl telepathy to communicate running out of the room," Blaise responded before walking over to the door as well.

"Er- Do we chase after them?" Harry asked still looking at the girls who were about to vanish from site.

"Give it a second. They'll think that we've given up and take a break, and when they do, we'll calmly and quietly leave and catch up to them." Blaise said, Draco and Harry nodding with them. They waited a little as Harry watched the Marauders Map to see if they had stopped. Once they did, the boys left the room, and silently shut the portrait door just before they seamlessly trailed down the corridor. Draco immediately recognized his Slytherin quidditch sweater on the girl who was hunched over to catch her breath. The Hufflepuff turned back and caught his eyes. She tapped her friends and they looked back at the boys before running again. Catching up to them was child's play for the boys. Draco and Harry were very familiar with speed from being seekers on their house quidditch teams and Blaise was fast in general. Eternity shrieked when she felt Draco's arms wrap around her, holding her in place so she couldn't run.

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