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Pointe shoe diagram so you don't get confused ^^


The sun was setting in the common room. It was Friday evening, leaving about two days before they would get their schedules.

Eternity was wrapped in a blanket sitting on the couch in the common room sewing. Ginny and Lei were on the floor in front of her playing muggle board games that Hermione let them borrow. Eternity was about to making another stitch when the needle pricked her finger.

"Ouch." She said as a small bead of blood formed. She sucked the blood off and summoned the first aid kit, pulling out a band aid for her finger.

"You okay, Eternity? Ginny asked as Eternity pulled her finger out of her mouth.

"What are you sewing?" a new voice entered the room. Eternity turned to Draco and gave him a soft smile. He had kept his word from yesterday and was getting better about his habits.

"The ribbons and elastics onto my pointe shoes," Eternity responded, levitating her shoe with the wand to show him. Draco walked over to Eternity and grabbed the shoe from midair. He examined the sewing on the shoe and gently brushed his fingers on the delicate satin shoe. Draco looked at the shoe confused. He didn't know much about ballet and hadn't ever been interested.

"Don't know much about ballet, I'm guessing?" Eternity asked. Draco shook his head and placed it back in her mesh bag. Eternity bandaged her finger and finished the last stitches on her other shoe.

"Hey Gin, wanna go to the kitchen for some pumpkin pasties?" Lei and Ginny excused themselves from the common room to leave Draco and Eternity alone.

"Bring us a couple!" Eternity yelled as she slipped the toe spacers and pads on and slipped the shoes on before tying the ribbons.

"I'll show you what pointe is." Draco was a little confused about how anyone could do anything in the shoes.

"Are you sure those aren't torture devices?" He asked, a little horrified as he watched her walk to a wood surface.

Eternity laughed a little looking down at her feet before meeting his eyes and blushing. He had a smirk plastered on to his face. Eternity's stomach did somersaults as she reached out for his hands for stability.

"No. I'm not sure if they aren't," she joked before lifting onto the platform of the shoe.

Eternity lifted one of Draco's arms to her waist and the other up in a position to twirl her. She lifted her right leg into a passé and Draco moved his arm to spin her while holding her waist so she wouldn't fall.

She did a couple turns but moved her weight too far forward on the platform and her left foot slipped from under her, causing her to fall forward. There was a sharp pain in her ankle on her left foot that brought tears to her eyes. Draco caught her before she could make impact with the floor. Eternity's arms were grasping on to Draco's biceps and his arms were grasping her waist.

The vulnerable hufflepuff looked up at the strong slytherin and blushed even more than she had been when she first lifted onto full pointe. She blinked away the tears and tried to compose herself. Draco helped her to her feet and when she stepped on her left foot, the same sharp stabbing feeling returned to her foot.

"Nmpph," Eternity groaned in agony, shutting her eyes and re-falling onto Draco. Draco looked down at the injured girl with sympathy in his eyes.

"Did you sprain it?" He asked lifting her back up to her right foot. Eternity nodded, "I think."

She whined from the pain. Draco moved her over to the couch as tears started reforming in her eyes. Eternity untied the shoe and Draco slipped it and her toe pads off and into the mesh bag.

"Tell me if this hurts," He said as he pressed down on certain parts of her ankle.

Eternity immediately gasped in pain and a tear trickled down her cheek. He immediately stopped and helped her up. Draco wiped the tear from her eye and smiled softly.

"Lets get you to Pomfrey's." Draco spoke lightly, picking up Eternity so that she wouldn't have to walk.

Eternity stopped trying to hold back the tears. She buried her face into his neck and bit her tongue. It didn't take long for the couple to get to the hospital wing. Draco placed Eternity on one of the beds and sat in the chair beside it as Madam Pomfrey hurried over.

"What were you doing dear?" Pomfrey asked the agonized student.

"I was on pointe but my foot slipped and I felt a sharp pain," Eternity explained as Pomfrey examined her ankle.

"Well it's sprained. There's not much that I can do but give you a pain reliever and speed up the healing. You will only be here until lunch tomorrow." Pomfrey explained looking at the hurt girl. Eternity nodded and Draco squeezed her hand.
Draco sat with Eternity for a while but she told him to leave and get some rest. Draco protested but it was late and he finally abided. He kissed her forehead and left the room. Blush had crept onto her face as she drank the sleeping draught.
Eternity awoke the next morning with gifts on the bedside table. She saw chocolate frogs from different friends and a couple pumpkin pasties from Ginny and Lei. She laughed a little thinking about how they actually brought her some.

Her eyes moved across the table onto the book that had a piece of parchment tucked in it.

"I thought you might like this to pass the time. ~Draco"

Eternity smiled at the note and tucked it in the book before turning to her bookmarked page. She read a little but not for long. Eternity closed the book and grabbed one of the pumpkin pasties and took a bite. The sweet taste distracted her from her throbbing foot. She finished the pasty and laid her head back down, and drifted into a soft nap.

I'm sure you're wondering why i haven't gone back to her nightmare or continued it but i'm getting to that. I'm not sure if these parts are small or not but if you guys want longer parts comment so i know. - emily

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