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The days grew colder as autumn approached. An early unexpected sheet of snow blanketed the school grounds. The pupils of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were about three weeks into their courses. Draco still didn't know what he wanted to do after Hogwarts. Eternity and him hadn't talked about it since their first Life Preparations class and he felt indifferent to everyone else.

Eternity had noticed the change in Draco. He was quieter and didn't speak out as much. In the mornings when Eternity woke up, the spot next to her was empty. Every ounce of her self wanted to confront him, but she was never the type to do so, and she didn't want to say the wrong thing and trigger an argument.

Eternity was sitting on the couch in the living area with her journal, brainstorming different recipes and concoctions for potions. She spent a lot of her time doing things like this because it felt natural and relieved her stress. She didn't care if the potion had already existed, it was just fun for her to see if it was possible to make a potion stronger. She was currently listing different ingredients with healing qualities when she felt the spot next to her sink in and a strong arm wrap around her.

"Well hello," Eternity spoke softly looking into Draco's eyes. Eternity felt a strong urge in her stomach and she felt like a voice was urging her to kiss him. Eternity was very shy, but she wanted to add a little warmth to the moment. Eternity gave into the voice and lightly kissed Draco's cheek, causing his cheeks to rose and the same happened to Eternity. It was a very small gesture, but for the two, it was enough at the moment.

"Hi," Draco said, a soft smile plastered to his lips. "What are you doing?" He asked out of curiosity peering over her arm and at the book that rested on her thighs. Eternity turned her attention to the book and flipped through the well used pages. Draco saw the ingredients and his smile drooped a little. He turned his attention away from her, staring into the flames of the fireplace. Eternity had noticed the change of emotion and turned to face him again, placing her hand on his cheek and gently forcing him to look at her.

"Draco, do you want to talk about it?" Eternity questioned, not knowing how he was gonna respond. To her surprise, he nodded his head and smiled a little at the gesture of kindness and empathy.

"I just- I don't know. My whole life my father had put this view inside his head that I would become a death eater and work at some department in the Ministry. I of course never wanted to do so, as you already know." Draco let out, pausing to think of his next flow of words.

"I feel so indifferent to everyone. I haven't ever really known what I want to do and now that it's our last year, I'm kinda stuck." Draco finished and looked down upon Eternity to see her thinking hard and biting her lip. She looked back up at him and smiled a little.

"That's okay Draco. You're 18 and you don't necessarily have to have everything figured out. But one thing I know for sure, is that deep down inside that platinum head of yours, you know what you want. I know you chose your N.E.W.T. classes for a reason." Draco took a moment to think on Eternity's words and deep down, he knew she was right. He had always had an idea, but due to his fathers plan he pushed it behind him knowing he could never do so.

"I think you're right. I think there is a reason why I chose the courses I've chosen, I'm just not 100% sure what my intentions are." Draco finally responded. This lit Eternity up. It felt so good to her to make some she cared about feel good.

"How about we go through what classes you have and then see what jobs you can get from them?" Draco nodded and scooted closer to Eternity. Eternity closed her journal and set it down on the table in front of them.

The Apple of His Eyes-DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now