Chapter 1

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Emma leaned against the bright yellow building, checking her phone and new watch nervously. Neal was running late; late enough, she was about to call him. He couldn't be another person to abandon her. Until she saw him, to her right. He held a finger to his mouth and began to walk slowly away from her. Emma followed his lead and snuck around the building, following Neal until they safely got to their bug. Emma got into the front seat next to Neal and closed the door giving Neal a look.

"You were supposed to come immediately, and then you sneak up behind me and have us sneak away? What is going on?" Forget about the watches, what was he up to? She thought he wanted Tallahassee as much as she did. Why make her doubt him?

"I'm sorry, there was a cop on the other side of the building. I noticed the officer coming after you." He ran a hand through her messy hair, "I had to plan a way to get us both out safely." Neal placed the hand on her shoulder, "I wouldn't leave you, you know that, right?"

"Old habits die hard, I know you understand." She sighed, leaning her head into his hand. "Can we leave tomorrow instead? I'm a bit exhausted."

Neal gave her a nod and removed his hand before driving them back to their motel room. He was so lucky Emma didn't catch his lie like she usually did. She must have been more exhausted than Neal thought. He definitely knew what being left behind looked like. That's how he knew that August wasn't thinking about what Emma truly needed. August wanted Neal to run off and let Emma rot in jail while he would get away scot-free. Sure, they were robbing stores, and he was keeping her from that so-called destiny, but they loved each other. You don't leave people who you love. August would be searching and following them for the next few years, but it would be worth it. She was worth it.

Emma took off her glasses and closed her eyes. Neal was focused on the road, and they wouldn't be back at the motel for a while. Then it would be a long travel day tomorrow. Tallahassee, sure she knew nothing about the place, but it would be home. Finally, a home with the man she cares for, and a chance for normalcy.

It didn't take long for Emma to fall asleep as Neal kept at the wheel. He noticed how young Emma looked when she slept, she was almost 18 but her constant attentiveness and past struggles made her seem older. Neal loved those moments when she was carefree, like the day they chose Tallahassee. He finally arrived at the motel and woke her up with a kiss on her forehead, "We're here."

"Just a few..." Emma fell back asleep before finishing her sentence. So Neal did as anyone from the Enchanted Forest would have done, he picked her up in his arms bridal style and brought her to their room.


Emma's eyes shot open as the alarm clock went off across the room. She noticed Neal sleeping beside her; nothing would wake him up when he was relaxed and felt safe. She got up and turned the clock off. They arrived at their hotel in Tallahassee two weeks before and were already running out of food and money. Emma assumed she would have to go and find a place to pull a con soon, even though Neal was trying to get them both on the right path. He was job searching all night, and with no real experience, he wasn't the most impressive candidate. Neither was Emma as a former foster home run away.

She sat down at their mini table after taking a quick shower. Emma loved quiet mornings, especially the hot cocoa with cinnamon that the hotel offered. As she took her last sip, there was a knock on the door. They weren't expecting anyone, Neal would have told her if he was. She stood up in her white robe and opened the door a sliver. A man with brown hair and striking blue eyes stood in front of her.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Emma stuck her head out the door. The man looked nervous, great, he wasn't police. He spoke casually with an easy smile, "Emma, is Neal awake?"

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