Chapter 12

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Author's Note: So grateful that my story is still being read and enjoyed. Every time I see a vote I get so excited because I know the same people are keeping up with my story. That being said I would also love to see more comments if possible. I love to hear your thoughts as you read like I sometimes hide in easter eggs from teh show and I want to know if anyone noticed, or what you think about what might happen or certain relationships. While I am writing this story I am basically just 1 chapter ahead of you guys at all times so I feel like we are all going along for the ride together. One thing which I really should point out for the future, I'll randomly be putting the actual script from the show into my story to help make sense of Emma's storyline. Doubt I'll be doing it with Neal as much as I don't know if I'll be continuing through season 2. I will be skipping over most scenes in the future as they have nothing to do with Emma or the changes in the story I have made. For example, the parts where Snowing goes and run off, stuff like that wouldn't be effected so I wouldn't include it. Plus I won't be including anything from the past. So if you want all that maybe watch the original side by side? IDK. Well, hope you respond and enjoy this chapter.

"Why did you need to talk to Neal anyway?" Emma asked, sipping her cocoa. She was all cozy now in her pajamas; she wouldn't let August ruin her night. Emma laid with her legs across the couch; August sat on the floor across from Emma to place his hot drink on the coffee table.

"Why did you let me believe you had a stomach issue and not tell me you were pregnant?" August countered. He wouldn't lie, and he also wouldn't tell Emma what he'd been up to.

"Because I was scared? I'm not normally one to admit to weakness, but this wasn't an experience I could prepare for. Plus, we barely know each other." Emma subconsciously brought her hand to her abdomen.

"You shouldn't have had to prepare for anything. Both of you could have been a bit less stupid." He took a sip from his mug. "You can't even legally drink."

"Sometimes, I feel like you want to control my life, August. What I do is none of your business; stop stalking me. Neal shouldn't be your informant when it comes to my well-being; I know how you ask him questions... I'm done with people telling me what I can and can't do. I'm old enough to make my own choices." Emma went from heated to her voice breaking. She never fully realized how much it hurt that so many people wanted to take her life apart and put it on their path. Doctors, Neal, August, Lily, Sky, and even her criminal parents. Would she ever have enough strength to not let others influence her?

"I can understand that completely. I'm sorry for budding into your personal life; I just feel like I should protect you." August would have gone over and hugged her, but Emma's arms were crossed; it must have been hard for her to talk this way. "Can I ask why you're living with Neal? You said that you aren't together, and this is sending mixed messages."

Emma took a deep breath, "I needed a place to crash. My home in Phoenix didn't quite work out, and Neal was all I had left." She looked over at August, "I'm not really the best at making friends."

"I can see that." August chuckled, "Now, while I can't offer you living space, if you ever need me, just call. Family is important."

"And what makes us family, August?" Emma raised an eyebrow. Kind of hard to know about something if you never had it.

"My father has some memory issues. Currently, he has no idea who I am. Which means even though I want to speak with him, having a conversation would be useless. He isn't someone I can currently rely on. You and Neal are my only source of friendship. If that little circle of friendship ends, I'll have no one. That's what makes you both my family. I wouldn't call my one night stands my friends; I don't usually spend time telling them personal information." August smirked.

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