Chapter 11

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Emma woke up again; this time, there was a nurse in the room sitting down in a chair. "You have to let me out of here. I've been in enough hospital rooms."

"I'll go get the doctor for you. Dr. Porter was waiting for you to wake up." The nurse gestured to the cup of water on the wheel-around table, "It's best if you keep yourself hydrated, I'll be back very soon. Please don't try to leave your bed again." He mentioned and left the room in search of the doctor.

Emma quickly drank down all the water; she didn't realize her mouth was so dry. How long had she been here? Emma looked out the window. She could see the stars out. How long had Emma been in this bed?

The doctor walked in, her lab coat looking crisp and tidy. Her brown hair was in a slick bun. Emma hoped this would mean she wouldn't be one of those overly joyful doctors.

"Emma, so glad to see you awake. Any pain at the moment?"

"What do I have to say to get me out of here? I felt fine when I was home." Emma crossed her arms; this was going to take forever.

"You have been taking too many Advils multiple times a day. If you kept this rate up, you'd have an ulcer. Would you like a hole in your stomach lining?" The doctor followed Emma's communication and crossed her arms.

"So I'm not here because of a hole in my stomach lining. Why am I here?" Emma glared at the woman in front of her; she wasn't in the mood to play games. All Emma wanted was to get out of here.

"You had a slight tear, which we repaired through stitches. It became infected, hence the fever and greater pain. I'm sure your doctor told you to be more careful than you were." Dr. Porter examined the chart in her hand, "But for the most part, you seem to be healing nicely, losing the weight slowly."

"When was I given stitches? I've been asleep." All Emma could recall was her run for it and then blacking out.

"We had to sedate you after your runaway session because we were scared you would try to run again. You signed some forms when you were here the first time; you gave Sky permission to make medical decisions when you aren't conscious."

"So you made me unconscious. How convenient," Emma rolled her eyes. "Can I leave now?"

"I advise you to stay here overnight. I prescribed a better pain medication for you to take. Luckily the stitches I used will dissolve as you heal, but I would still like for you to have them checked out in a few weeks." Doctor Porter walked up closer to Emma's bed, "I also suggest you see a counselor; it might help you work through some feelings. A clear mind can do wonders for the healing process."

"You want me to see a shrink? I understand that most of your patients aren't my age, but that doesn't mean that I need separate help. I've been fine on my own before." Emma sat up in her new bed. She would have asked to leave, but she had no place to go for the night.

"You'll have to sign a form saying you are not listening to my medical advice. One thing you are going to have to do is live with someone. Emma, you don't want to end up here, and having someone take care of you until you heal will help prevent that. Anyone at all, as long as they live in a sanitary environment." Dr. Porter gave Emma a look, "Promise me you'll take your medication and get some rest. It took nine months for you to create life; it's going to take close to that for you to feel like yourself again."

"Tell Sky to leave. I want her off my medical forms. She had no right to do this to me." Emma's voice shook with uncertainty.

"Will do. Is there someone else you would like to stay with and help with your medical decisions? Any family members? Loved ones?" Dr. Porter understood that Emma took this as a betrayal even though she really needed the help.

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