Chapter 13

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Author's note: part of the reason I take forever to publish is I don't want to grammar check, takes forever. So sorry but I didn't grammar check this at all

Emma felt like she had a wave of serotonin, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a while. Emma was walking through the wet soggy streets of New York City and it finally hit her. She was managing, living in a semi-stable environment, no doctors, no baby, there wasn't much to worry about anymore. The problems still existed but the cold and coziness of the season kept her happy. Emma had even begun to dodge Neal less since that day with August, she opened up a bit. It was the only way to stop the questions.

She walked into the apartment building like it was any other day, went up to the 4th floor in a dingy elevator, took off her boots outside of the apartment and opened the door. Emma could not process the scene in front of her. Neal was on the couch kissing a redheaded woman, both of them had their shirts thrown on the floor. Emma was lucky it wasn't anything else.

Neal didn't notice her standing at the doorway, he was faced away from her. But Emma could process the moment the red head saw her, but she continued to kiss him anyway. "Excuse me," Emma coughed loudly.

Luckily Neal and the woman were pulled from their haze. Neal turned toward Emma, his expression remained stiff, "You were on a walk."

"I was. But now I'm back." Emma turned toward the redhead with disgust, "You can leave now. I really don't need to see where this would go." Not that Neal would continue anything while Emma was around.

Neal turned toward the woman beside him and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, "I'll call you, sorry Liz."

Liz stood up off the couch and grabbed her shirt. Emma watched as she slowly buttoned it up, Liz was taking her time. "No need to be sorry, your Ex seems pretty sensitive about this. I've dealt with jealous exes before." Liz smirked as she grabbed her purse and pushed past Emma and headed out the door.

"I'm not jealous, you should have told me you were bringing a supermodel over to sleep with you. That way I could have lengthened my walk or visited a boring museum," Emma's face was heating up as she continued to feel more uncomfortable.

Neal picked up his T-shirt and covered himself once more, "Don't act surprised, I have a life other than the one I live here with you."

"I know that Neal. But I didn't expect to never seemed like you moved on." Emma finally took off her coat and hung her keys on the hook.

"Emma, I think you need to move out. Today. Because I plan on having Liz back tomorrow and as many other days that I want. I shouldn't have to keep building my life around you." Neal tried his hardest to sound serious and angry, "Your time here is up. You are fully healed and now you are just the woman who gave up my child. I don't need you here."

"Is this about the girl or the baby? Because as far as I am concerned, you can't blame me for all of your problems. If you want me to leave, I'll do it." Emma tried to make herself seem taller than she felt, "is that all?"

"My list of issues with you is unlimited Emma. You eat all my food, sleep in my bed, give up our child, disrupt my fun with Liz, beat me at Monopoly...but the biggest problem I have is when I see you. Because as much as I want you to trust me, let me comfort you, let me listen and be concerned, you won't let any of it." He took a step closer to her, "You are such a strong woman Emma, but I will never be that strong."

Emma nervously began to fidget with her necklace, "You are throwing me out because you are still in love with me and want to get over that. Is that what you just said?" Was she reading too deeply into that declaration of annoyances?

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