The Missions

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"We got something" Josh's head shot up, it had been a couple of days with no sign of Alex anywhere. "A jet holding five people just left the complex, it will take a second to hack the system but we noticed the cameras turn off in the hangar before the jet took off"

A spark of hope whizzed through him. They might have found Alex, after weeks.

Lee leaned into him and said. "We are going to get her"

He nodded his head. He didn't think he could speak right now.

"We are in" the Rebel said, "okay got her, she is in the cabin," he stopped and a look of confusion washed over his face, "she's wearing their uniform, sir"

Josh leaned over the young man's shoulder and looked, Alex was sitting there next to a young man and had two men opposite her, she was like the rebel said wearing their uniform and looked like she was geared up for a fight.

"Get the sound on commander" the boss said. The rebel typed some more things into the computer.

One of the young soldiers opposite Alex stode up and pointed a finger at her, "don't doubt the countess" he was saying, his voice coming through the computer speakers, "she will be the saviour of this world, you were chosen to be a super soldier" he emphasised the soldier part, "you should be thanking her."

Alex's expression hadn't changed once while the soldier yelled at her, "what is there to be thankful for? Being turned into a monster? Being forced into this mission? Yeah Ben I'm super grateful that she put me through the wipe" Alex shoved as much sarcasm into her voice possible, Josh had to silently laugh, what she had said would register later. Alex looked to the camera and seemed to see straight into their computer lab, she focused on the camera for a little before standing up. She looked back towards the soldier, Ben, who was a little taller than her.

"Look, I don't want to be a part of her plan, I don't care what you say, I'm done doing what you say" Alex looked like she was straining, Josh could see the glimmer of sweat appearing on her forehead.

The screen flickered then turned black. They all sat and watched as words appeared on the screen in white text.

Save me please, Bradly Williams said to trust the Rebels. Alex

Josh heard everybody's intake of breath, who was Bradly Williams? Josh watched as Lee began to cry, she couldn't hold it back, she turned and ran out the door. What was going on? The screen turned black, they could see Alex again, she was looking directly at the camera, her face expressionless. The boss whispered that he needed to go to Lee, they would deal with Alex, they couldn't do anything yet anyway. Josh ran out the door and found Lee in her room.

"Lee?" He could hear muffled cries coming from the bedroom. "Lee what's wrong?" He went and sat on the bed placing his hand on her back, it was kind of awkward but that was what he would've done if it was Alex. He slowly rubbed his hand up and down her back relaxing her. She looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you" she said, then she took a second to continue, "Bradly Williams is my pa, I, I, thought he was dead" she said. He pulled her into a hug.

"Well he isn't and that's something to be celebrating about" he whispered, "you told me we were going to get Alex and we are, so I'm going to tell you we are going to get your pa out"

They sat like that for a while, Josh comforting Lee as she cried.

"Let's go get Alex!" Lee said once she had composed herself. They walked back to the computer lab, they could hear the rebels bouncing around ideas.

"What if we hijacked the jet on it's return flight?" One of the Rebels suggested, "Then all we need to do if calculate their return route and get in unseen, if we did that we wouldn't need to be near the Base"

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