The Reunion

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     "Ow," Aru grumbled.
     She stood up and rubbed her back as she took her surroundings in. The portal had dropped Aru off on the stone elephant (whom she decided to call Greg), in the museum. The blast of cold air from the air conditioner made her skin tingle. The familiar smell of Atlanta's Museum of Indian Art and Culture filled Aru's lungs.
     Am I really home? Aru thought giddily.
     Aru knew she had been missing for, at least, a week. It felt so good to be back home.
     She let out a delirious giggle and a sigh of relief.
     "What was that?" a familiar feminine voice asked.
     Aru almost sobbed in relief. Almost.
     "Mini?" Aru called.
     "Aru?!" Mini called back. "Are you a ghost?"
     Aru was tempted to say "yes," but she was too tired for teasing. I know, Aru couldn't believe herself either.
     "I'm not a ghost," she replied. "Come to Greg."
     A chorus of footsteps made their way toward Greg. Instead of just seeing Mini, Aru saw all her friends.
     "Oh my god, Aru!" Mini exclaimed as she rushed to her soul sister.
     She crushed Aru in a bone-breaking hug, not even giving sanitation a second thought.
     "Ow," Aru said. "I missed you too, Mini."
     Aru's gaze drifted to Aiden. How dare he look somewhat decent in a black hoodie. And how dare he smell like fresh laundry. She tried not to blush. Her clothes were extremely dirty and torn. Her hair probably looked awful too.
     When Mini pulled away, her eyes never left Aru, as if she still couldn't believe she was back.
     "God Shah," Aiden said as he embraced Aru. "Do you know how scared and worried we all were?"
     Aru was silently freaking out about hugging Aiden, but she managed a sheepish grin. "I was too busy saving the world, I guess."
     "You weren't the only one who saved the world," Aiden said with a smirk. "Snob."
     "Hey!" she protested. "'Snob' is my word, you-"
     Aiden cut Aru off with a kiss on the cheek.
     "Snob," he said again with a grin.
     Aru was gaping. Aiden cupped her chin and closed her mouth.
     "If you two are done 'having a moment,' we would like to hug Aru too," Brynne said with a smug expression on her face.
     Aiden and Aru blushed, but she smirked at him.
     After she hugged the rest of her soul sisters, they started bombarding her with questions. Brynne's question was definitely the most important.
     "Are you hungry?" she asked.
     "Does anybody have any orange slices?" Aru asked with a smirk.
     "You're not Ant-Man, Aru," Mini said with a frown.
     "Aru is kind of short, though," Brynne said with a grin.
     "Hey!" she protested.
     They all started cracking up. Aru was back. The Aru that loved Swedish Fish. The Aru that always quoted movies. The Aru that was slightly bizarre, as her mom put it. She was back.
     "C'mon Shah," Aiden said as he slung his arm around Aru. (A/N Smooth Aiden. Very smooth.) "We all have a lot of explaining to do."
     Aru smiled.
     I have great friends, she thought.

A/N hey y'all! how was that? terrible? okay? if any of y'all have an idea for an aru shah fanfic and want me to write about it, please tell me! one more thing: if this story runs into any copyright issues, please let me know so i can take the story down. thanks a bunch!


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