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Thank you all for worry about me. I'm okay now. Thanks 😊😍

As soon as he confirmed his relations.h.i.+p with Sooyeon, Yuri immediately gave Taeyeon a phone call, "Get Crown Empire to release a statement revealing our relations.h.i.+p."

"In the past, I told you to rely on Crown Empire, yet you always refused. Now you've finally realized that you need me?" Taeyeon took every opportunity he could to ridicule Yuri. He then gave him a condition, "I can release a statement if you want, but I want you to sign a contract with Crown Empire."

"Come on, Taeyeon, you've already been married for one year. You don't want to see me being single for the rest of my life, do you? I need to get married as soon as possible and catch up to you."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up," Taeyeon laughed confidently. "I'm about to become a father..."

Yuri: "..."

Tiffany was sitting beside Taeyeon as she flipped through a book on childcare.

As soon as she heard Taeyeon showing off to Yuri, she couldn't help but laugh, "It's not normal for President Kim to go around revealing his secrets."

Taeyeon put down his phone and sat down beside Tiffany, "I seem to still be overcome with excitement."

"Since it's something to do with Yuri then hurry and make arrangements. That way grandfather will also have some peace of mind," Tiffany encouraged as she gently touched Taeyeon's face.

Taeyeon moved in close and planted a kiss on her forehead before nodding his head, "I'll come home early tonight to keep you company."

"I'll come by at lunchtime to eat with you..." Tiffany smiled.


After speaking, Taeyeon stood up and headed out the door as he made a phone call to Chanyeol, "Get a PR statement written up to reveal the relations.h.i.+p between Yuri and I." Since they were family, it was OK for Sooyeon to work for both of them at the same time.

As for revealing his girlfriend, that was something Yuri had to do himself.

But, before that was to happen, the internet was separated into two groups.

As for Luo Yi's fans, they ridiculed Sooyeon's background. They claimed that Yuri merely treated her as an a.s.sistant and had never thought anything more of her.

At the time that Luo Yi found out about Yuri's ​appearance at Crown Empire to look for Sooyeon, her face turned completely red. She was a famous model; how could she not compare to a measly a.s.sistant?

"This won't do, I can't just sit here doing nothing," Luo Yi refused to let go of a great man like Yuri. Since she was the only woman that Yuri had ever admitted to having a special relations.h.i.+p with.

As a result, before Crown Empire managed to release their statement, Luo Yi stepped out to undertake an interview.

_"Miss Luo, between you and Sooyeon, who is actually Yuri's girlfriend? Everyone is saying that you stepped in between them..."

Faced with the reporters' attacks, Luo Yi looked at the cameras calmly and said with slight fierceness and anger, "I have been Yuri's only girlfriend from the start."

"He has no relations.h.i.+p with anyone else..."

"I'm sure 'somebody' is well aware of who stepped in between who."

"Did she think that she could threaten My Yuri by taking his secrets to Crown Empire? Has she considered who she is?"

"It's a shame, but My Yuri would never be interested in a measly a.s.sistant."

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