Chapter 2: Apparition

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Kabelo pushed his way through the bodies surrounding him as he lead his friends through the crowd.

"Were we always this many Fans?" Senzo asked, shouting over the music so his friends could hear him as they made their way.

"Yeah bruh!" Thato shouted in response "We've always been like this!"

"Thato is right!" Mbali added "Ain't nothing new here! Isn't that right, Kabelo?" she asked.

But Kabelo did not respond.

"Uh oh!" Mbali laughed after taking note of Kabelo's silence, "KB is officially in the building!"


Kabelo had always been the type to keep a low profile - to talk, but not too loudly, to make moves, but not too hastily. A stark contrast to the boisterous character he played in public. But a necessary character to be played, because "Kabelo" - the respectful, put-together boy who lived with his mother and younger sister in a modest two-bedroom apartment - would not survive in the North.

"KB" was different. He was built for this lifestyle. A creation that made up for all of Kabelo's foul shortcomings. Kabelo was socially awkward. KB was a measured archetype who said and did all the right things at the right time, seldom missing a beat.


"There's an empty high table up ahead" KB said.

KB ordered another round of drinks for the group as they settled around the table, making sure to tip the waiter generously. The drinks were quick to arrive.

"The Come-ups have arrived." KB said as he sipped his drink. His gaze was fixed on the club entrance. His eyes narrow like a hawk's.

"Holy shit, is that Kamo?" Mbali responded, her eyes following KB's own.

Kamo was the talk of the city. A Psychology Honors student at Wits University by day, and a rising social media influencer and fashion vlogger by night. She was a self-made girl that had it all; brains, looks, money, as well as the undeniable air of a person sure to be going places in life. But nothing had been handed to her. It was only through Kamo's own sheer determination and effort that she got to where she was, and this set her apart from her peers who all showered her with admiration and praise. It also drove her enemies wild with envy.

"Everyone says she's the next 'it' girl", Senzo said, following Kamo with his eyes. "She might just make it all the way to the top".

Kamo's squad entered the club shortly after her. They were a group of fellow Come-ups of unwavering loyalty to Kamo, following her wherever she went. They provided for her every need and followed her every command, doing so only to secure a position for themselves alongside her at the top.

The club came to a standstill, and everyone stared as the Come-ups all made their way to the VIP section of the Harem nightclub. Once there, a burly looking bouncer let them through without asking any questions.

"Isn't VIP reserved for Stars only?" Senzo commented halfway through downing his drink.

"The Stars don't do VIP", Mbali laughed.

"They only do private rooms", Thato added flatly, "They're probably there right now. Upstairs in the club's private cellar."

"There are levels to this lifestyle thing." KB said, he too downing his drink "Now if you guys will excuse me, I need to make a trip to the men's room."


The men's toilet was located down a dim corridor at the opposite end of the club. Its shiny door was manned by one of the club cleaners, a boy no older than KB who kept his eyes fixed steadily on the floor as the door swung back and forth with men entering and leaving after relieving themselves. The boy ignored the slurs of the drunken patrons as they entered and left,the same way they ignored the silver cup in his hands in which he collected tips.

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