Chapter 26: Realigned

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"I know I've been gone for long... and some of you maybe don't even know who I am. My name is Mihlali, and I've decided to return to the North." Mihlali said with a sincere smile on her face.

"And one more thing..." Kamo said, returning the camera to her own face. "KB... wherever you are... I want you to enjoy being a Star while it lasts... because your end is coming soon."

And then the screen went black after Kamo ended the live video chat.

KB and Senzo remained silent after the video call had ended, neither of them sure of what to do or say next. But their silence was quickly broken when KB's phone began to vibrate, and KB was surprised when he lifted the device to see Mbali's name glowing bright on the caller ID.

"Mbali?" KB answered the call. He placed the phone on loud speaker so that Senzo could hear as well.

"I just saw Kamo's Instagram live." Mbali said in a hurried tone "Whatever you do, do not respond yet. Come over to my uncle's house as soon as you can. We can discuss everything when you get here." She finished.

"Mbali... I'm so sorry about everything that happened" KB whispered, his voice shaking.

"Don't worry, KB...We can talk about everything when you get here. Make sure no one sees you on the way here. " Mbali said before dropping the call.


The streets were relatively empty as KB and Senzo drove to Mbali's uncle's house around midnight. They had decided to use KB's mother's car after both agreeing that KB's own would have been easily recognized, and KB crisscrossed the vehicle between the handful of cars that were on the road. And when KB brought his car to a stop next to a white VW at a red traffic light, he quickly accelerated through the red light when the female driver of the other vehicle tried to take a picture after recognizing him.

"Fuck..." KB said as he sped off. He then quickly reclined the backrest of his seat to make it difficult for anyone else outside the vehicle to see him.


When they eventually reached the massive black gate of Mbali's uncle's house KB felt a wave of relief wash over him when he saw Thato's car parked in the driveway. Though KB had no idea how he would apologize to Mbali and Thato, it comforted him to know that the four of them would once again be together.

"Hey..." Mbali greeted KB and Senzo after they exited the vehicle. She was standing in the wide doorway of the house.

"Hi Mbali..." KB responded, watching with hesitation as Senzo and Mbali first hugged each other. He wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for him to hug her too, but it was Mbali who walked up to KB first with open arms, and the two friends hugged each other tightly.

"I'm so sorry" KB kept repeating into Mbali's ear as they held each other, his voice a small whisper.

"It's okay, KB" Mbali reassured him, patting his back as they held on to each other "Let's go inside the house."


Thato was seated on the couch in the spacious living room when KB and Senzo entered the house, and the three friends hugged each other before taking a seat together on the couch.

"You've made quite a name for yourself around town" Mbali said to KB when she returned to the lounge with a bottle of whiskey and some glasses. She placed the glasses on the table in front of the couch and poured everyone a drink.

"A lot has changed since the last time we spoke..." KB said, looking first at Thato and then at Mbali.

"I still can't believe you're a fucking Star, KB." Thato said after taking a big gulp of whiskey from his glass.

"Yeah... but you guys saw Kamo's Instagram live video... I'm not going to be a Star for long..." KB responded, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"I'm just glad we're all together again." Senzo said, raising his glass to make a toast. "Fuck everything else."

KB raised his glass to meet Senzo's, and both of them stared at Mbali and Thato who remained still, their respective glasses resting neatly on the table top in front of them.

"What if there was a way to turn the tables in your favor, KB?" Mbali said, the corner of her mouth curling slightly to reveal a smile.

KB was about to question Mbali about what she meant but was interrupted by the loud sound of the gate's intercom.

"Perfect timing!" Mbali said before hopping off the couch. She grabbed the gate's remote control off the table top and rushed towards the front door, leaving KB and Senzo behind on the couch, their eyes blinking in confusion.

"Expecting someone?" KB asked Thato after an extended period of silence.

"Yeah..." Thato responded, his eyes avoiding KB's own.

"Who?" Senzo asked.

But there was no need for Thato to respond because Mbali reappeared through the front door just as quickly as she had disappeared, and when KB turned to see her walk through the door he almost lost his breath when Tau appeared shortly behind her, dressed in a smart navy suit.

"Tau?" KB said in surprise before standing up from the couch. Senzo and Thato were up on their feet too by the time Mbali and Tau entered the lounge of the house.

"Tau... I know I lied, but I can explain everything..." KB began to say.

"You haven't told KB yet?" Tau said, looking at Mbali with a confused look on his face. His voice was barely a whisper.

"There wasn't enough time..." Mbali responded.

"Told me what?" KB said to Tau, noticing only then how red and puffy Tau's eyes were, as if he had been crying.

"The Stars have all abandoned Tau... they're trying to align themselves with Kamo and Mihlali..." Mbali began to explain. "They all think Tau's future is over..."

"But Mbali and I devised a plan." Thato interjected "And Tau has agreed to put our differences aside for now and work with us... " He finished.

"What plan?" KB asked.

"Get dressed for a night out..." Tau said. "I'll explain everything in the car."

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