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Alexas POV

It all started last year around Christmas. I was sitting in AP Lit when Mrs. Mondo said " alrighty ladies and gents today we are starting our poetry analysis project, so I need everyone to pair up and choose a poem from the provided list." As soon as the words came out of her mouth I knew that I was fucked. This class was the only one that I didn't have any friends in. None of my friends really like English so basically I was alone in this. Everyone was already paired up by the time she was finished speaking. Friends threw glances towards one another and subtle nods could be seen in response. I let out a quiet sigh and got myself prepared to be paired up with a weirdo that no one wanted to work with. In about a minute I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see the most gorgeous girl I have every laid eyes on. Her name was Jasper. She has icy blonde hair that was cropped in a short wavy bob. Her body was long and lean. Green eyes pierced into my very soul surrounded by thick dark lashes. Basically she looks like a bookish super model, in her oversized grandpa sweater and converse. 

"Hey, I think we are the only two without partners, so I guess that means we're working together." 

I literally could not find words. She probably thought I was mute. All I could do was nod my head in a jerky way and hope she didn't think I was some weirdo. 

" Here's my number, text me and we can meet up to start the project."

 With that she turned around and walked away. While she was retreating she glanced back and I could see the hint of a blush as she realized I was still watching her. She smiled slightly and turned to leave the room as soon as the bell rung. 

If you had told me that we would continue meeting up long after the poetry unit was over, I would've told you you were out of your mind. I am happy to say that I was wrong.

I waited until Saturday morning to text Jasper. The entire day before I had typed text after text, all of which had been deleted immediate after they were written. Who knew there was so many different ways to say hi. Eventually I settled on "Hey its Lex from English." I remember walking downstairs and being greeted by the comforting scent of my moms morning coffee that was left in the pot. I skipped over the coffee and made myself some chamomile tea in the hopes it would calm my anxiety. It did not by the way, but it was delicious. By 10am there was still not text back from Jasper so I decided maybe a hot shower would ease my nerves. That also did not work but it did feel nice to be clean. 

As I was towelling off my hair I heard the chirp of my phone. I swear that was the fastest I have ever moved, I nearly slipped and died. Fortunately I didn't because when I opened up my messages sitting there waiting for me was a response from none other than the goddess herself. 

"Hey! Im free today if you want to start, I have literally 0 plans so just lemme know when you want to get to work"

Today. Holy shit. I have no time to prepare.

I stood frozen. My fingers hovering over the keypad while steam settled unto my screen. Finally I typed out, 

"Sounds good you can come over here if you want in like an hour?"

Her response was immediate. It was official, she was coming over. Into my house. Where I lived. 

Oh My Fucking God, What Have I Done.

Frantically I got dressed, then realized I had put on a pyjama shirt and a skirt and then got redressed into something more suitable. I tidied my room and made the bed. I prayed that she wouldn't judge my Harry Potter sheets too harshly. What can I say? Im a whore for Hermione. 

I sat there constantly checking to see what time it was until the doorbell rang. With one more deep breath I ran down the stairs and opened the door. She was wearing another grandpa sweater that day, this one green instead of red, and she had on her pair of converse which I realized later was her signature accessory. I told her to come in and offered her tea in which she declined but she did ask if she could have the leftover coffee from earlier.

Luca you would be proud.

We went upstairs and settled in to start the assignment. After that first day Jasper came over nearly every day all the way up to Spring break. We became close very quickly. Our hangouts usually consisted of writing poetry and listening to music. Sometimes we would share what we had written, other times we would just write in comfortable silence for hours. Of course I wrote dozens of poems about her but I never shared them and she never asked me to. Jasper never asked me to read, instead she waited until I offered to read to her. I fell hard for this girl but I didn't think anything would ever happen. One day she accidentally left her journal in my room after a particularly long writing session. I knew that she probably wouldn't want me to open it but I was just so curious. I felt so guilty for even thinking about invading her privacy like that but I couldn't stop myself. With a nervous glance around like a fugitive, I opened it to the most recent page. It was a poem about me. I mean maybe it wasn't me but it had to be. She compared red hair to fire and talked about secrets and friendship. I was certain it was me. I remember feeling a wave of excitement fill my entire body. She felt the same way. Then I realized that I couldn't talk to her about it without admitting that I snooped. I decided that I would write a poem for her. I wrote about being in love and being afraid to cause change. I wrote about loss and fear. When I was finished I tucked it in between the pages of her poem and closed it back up before placing it exactly where she had left it. 

She came over the next day to grab her journal but couldn't stay because of an appointment. Relief flooded me, the awkwardness of having to sit there waiting while she read about my love for her was gone, she could read it alone. I waited all night for her to text me asking about the poem, but I didn't hear anything from her for almost a week. Durning that week my anxiety had been an all time high. I was scared I had fucked everything up forever and lost my friend in the process. Finally on Friday night Jasper texted me saying she was outside my house. I got up and went downstairs ready to be called disgusting or for her to tell me that she never wanted me to speak to her again. Instead, when I opened my front door she kissed me. It was beautiful, full of longing and love. We stood outside in the dead of night just being with each other and in that moment I knew that everything was going to be alright. 

Fuck, why did I think it was going to be that easy?


Authors note:

Surprise! Im not dead! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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