11: Fire and Ice-Sadie

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I was frolicking in the daytime, enjoying my time. I picked up a flower and sniffed it happily. I then saw a familiar blue Pokemon, standing in the distance.

"Owen?" I asked loudly, sparking his attention. He turned to face me, but only on his left side. I hugged my partner happily before looking up to see his indifferent expression. He then fully turned around and I could see that his right eye was swollen.

"Y-You did this to me...." Owen spoke coldly.

"I-I know... I'm sorry! I'm-" I tried to apologize but was cut off by Owen covering my mouth.

"I'm better off without you anyways." Owen spoke before walking off, fading into the distance.
"Owen!" I cried. "Don't leave me alone, you bastard!"

I fell out of my bed before wiping off the tears that I had unconsciously cried. One week until the tournament...

"Melo?" I asked, my voice flat and emotionless.

"Yes?" Melo asked, appearing once more.

"Have you found Owen yet?" I inquired, to which she winced.

"No trace." Melo replied. "It's like deep down, he doesn't want to be found. Especially by you.." I looked down at the floor before covering my eyes.

"Why didn't I just... Listen to him?" I asked, frustrated at myself. "Am I really that selfish?" I looked up at Melo expectantly, who only looked at the floor.

"Don't worry." Melo reassured me with a sad smile. "Just because you got into a fight, doesn't mean you two will never talk again."

"....I miss him." I sighed.

"Wait, what?" Melo asked loudly, surprised to hear my words.

"I miss him!" I repeated while shouting, "I miss his dumb stutter, I miss how he would always tell me about something new he learned by reading a book, and I miss how we were always together.."

"Well why not you find him?" Melo asked, her voice sounding a little annoyed. "It's not like he's left Alola or anything."

"Nah...." I replied sadly. "I think I'm gonna train some more.." I began walking out of the room, head hung as low as my current morale.

"You can't keep doing this!" Melo tried to reason. "You can't keep training, feeling bad about yourself!"

"I know he doesn't want to see me..." I replied, opening the door. "So I won't force him to."

A few hours later, I was in a clearing in the forest, ready to attack Melo. We had been training like this since my argument with Owen.

"Aerial Ace!" I cried, running towards Melo.

"Close Combat!" Melo shouted before our fists collided multiple times. I jumped up before reading a punch to her face. Before I hit her, I thought about Owen. I missed the punch on purpose before Melo hit me hard in the stomach, launching me back. My back slammed into a tree before I slid to the ground with a loud groan.

"I won't use Aerial Ace then..." I sighed before charging up a Leaf Tornado. I launched the attack at her before she quickly flew up to me.

"I ship you and Owen.." Melo whispered in my ear before I was immediately confused. I swayed left to right, unable to concentrate on my surroundings. Confide? Seriously? I can't move...

"Now for an Energy Ball!" Melo exclaimed before making an orb of green light. She threw the orb at me, who had no choice but to take the attack.

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