28 P1: A Deadly Reunion-Pika

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We all stepped off the boat, determined looks pasted on our faces. We were finally in Unova. The final frontier, the fabled place spoken of since I started my journey. Every waking second ever since I met Ami, I've heard about Unova and it's current situation.

"Okay." I began, "Stick to the plan, and everything will be fine." Everyone nodded before Melo cleared her throat.

"Hello?" Melo asked loudly, "I'm fading away over here." She sounded a bit annoyed, which confused me.

"What are you talking abo-?" I stopped in my tracks when I turned around and saw that Melo was transparent. All of us gasped in shock as Melo wore a small smile. 

"I guess my job is done." Melo smiled sadly. "I've gotten you all to Unova, and now you must head to Nimbasa. It's all up to you now." She gave us a thumbs up before beginning to fade away.

"Bye, Melo." Ami smiled sadly. "I'll make sure to get better at using your power, I promise."

"I'm sure you will." Melo replied. "I'm the one who chose you after all."

"See 'ya, Melo." Wildfire smiled. "Make sure to watch us save Unova." Snowy waved to her slowly.

"I will." She smiled.

"Later." Sadie waved.

"B-Bye..." Owen stuttered. "T-Thanks for everything." Melo smiled before going closer to him and kissing his forehead.

"Thanks to you too." She smiled as the rest of us watched in shock. Owen's cheeks became red as Melo flew over to me.

"You had to leave at the worst time." I remarked coldly, "Couldn't have waited, huh?" Melo giggled before hugging me.

"Even like this... You're still the same." Melo told me softly. "You never change." Melo let go of the hug before flying off into the distance and disappearing. We all waved goodbye before beginning our final frontier quest.

When we all arrived in Nimbasa, things were just how Owen and Sadie described. Torn down and destroyed all over. A lot of the buildings were torn down and in shambles, and the grass that was supposed to be around Nimbasa was gone, leaving only hard dirt.

"So... How do we stop the Raiders?" I asked. "Because Melo's instructions were pretty vague."

"We need to find their leader, and take them down." Sadie replied, walking into a building that looked a little old. All of us followed behind before Sadie boarded up the doors.

"So what is this place anyways?" I asked as Snowy climbed onto Wildfire's back. The place looked generally untouched, unlike most of the other buildings in Nimbasa. There was a small picture of a Snivy with two long-looking snake like Pokémon 

"Our house." Sadie replied.

"You two live in Nimbasa?" Wildfire asked confusedly. Owen and Sadie nodded before Sadie reached into a cabinet. She passed us white- colored balls that were smooth.

"Take those, and keep them with you at all times." Sadie told us. "They're smoke bombs." I looked at the ball, feeling a little nervous. Smoke bombs? Right... This is the Unova region... We need to be prepared for any situation.

"Nice!" Wildfire exclaimed, "I can be a ninja!" Snowy giggled at his statement before Sadie shot him an angry glare.

"Be serious." Sadie sternly told him.

"Right.." Wildfire smiled nervously.

A few minutes later, we all cautiously walked the streets of Nimbasa City. We didn't know where all the Raiders were, as Owen and Sadie told us that they roamed Nimbasa freely. Something was unsettling me though. It felt like we were being watched.

"Number One, Number Two, take 'em out!" A voice shouted. We all heard the voice, and it shook us to our core. The voice was calm, yet commanding. It was nonchalant, but I heard anger shining through their voice.  Suddenly, a Lucario and Lopunny were standing in front of us. They had menacing looks, not to mention red eyes. They lunged at us before we all began running. We all felt that we couldn't beat them, so the best decision would be to run. We all agreed on this back on the boat to Unova. We all knew that there was going to be stronger Pokémon, so we agreed on running instead of taking them head on. The Lucario used an aura sphere before throwing it towards us. Ami, Owen, and I dodged left while Sadie, Wildfire, and Snowy went right. The Lucario chased us while the Lopunny went for Sadie's group.

"Not good, not good!" I shouted. We were chased into a nearby cemetery before the Lucario backed off before entering. The Lucario had a scared look before he ran off in the other direction.

"Ha!" I exclaimed. "They can't chase us into the cemetery!"

"Y-You said the c-cemetery?" Owen asked shakily.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"N-Not good, we h-have to get out of here no-!" Owen tried to say before being cut off.

"Two Raichu wandered into this very cemetery.." A voice spoke. "Only one came out." I could feel the same shake in my nerves from before, but this somehow felt amplified. 

"Who's there?" I asked as Ami hugged me and Owen hid behind me.

"The male one... Said he had a son." The voice continued. "He told me he didn't have the opportunity to name him yet... Now he's gone..."

"W-What are you talking about?" I asked shakily.

"The female made it out... And left the Unova region to find her son.." The voice snickered.

"What?" I asked, a little agitated.

"I can sense the energy flowing inside of you...Gifted from that female Raichu" The voice told me. "... Luck." I gasped, as I now knew what he was talking about. Mom and Dad wandered into this cemetery, Mom was the only one to leave... Suddenly, an Umbreon appeared. One with a malicious grin, and red eyes. I recognized those eyes, and the yellow ring on his forehead.

"You're the one that nearly killed me that day!" I shouted, pointing at the Umbreon. I was both mad and scared. I knew what he was capable of, but he could've changed over the couple months we didn't see each other.

"I suppose." The Umbreon answered, "If it's any consolation, I see you've become stronger since we last met." Ami gripped onto my fur nervously, still burying her face into my neck. I didn't know why though, she had never been the scared type.

"Owen my man." The Umbreon smiled devilishly. "I see you've recovered from that panic attack from so long ago." Owen gasped quietly.

"Y-Y-You.." Owen said shakily.

"And who's that Eevee?" The Umbreon asked, stepping closer. I hugged her tightly as I stared down the Umbreon.

"Touch her..." I began, my left eye becoming blue. "I dare you..." The Umbreon laughed before running up to me and punching my face, sending me flying backwards. I crashed into a tombstone before it broke into a few pieces on the ground.

"Sorry.." I apologized to the tombstone. "I'll avenge your afterlife, whoever you are."

"What a coincidence!" The Umbreon exclaimed loudly with the same, condescending tone. "Who would've thought that my daughter would be here, with him?"

"Daughter?" Owen and I asked as Ami looked away shamefully.

Ami? No way... 

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