19: Pika vs. Code, One Last Time-Pika

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Code and I stood across from each other on the coast with confident smiles. The ocean tide moved up slightly, touching the fur on our legs. There was a brief wind, pushing our ears and fur slightly. I took the first move, using Volt Tackle to close the distance before using Iron Tail. The sand that was hit by the attack was kicked up into the air before I used my Iron Tail to reflect the sand towards Code. 

Code replied with a Flamethrower, burning the sand and turning it into glass. I quickly avoided the attack before rolling and using Thunderbolt. He used Fire Blast to deflect the attack, which created a small explosion. When the dust cleared, Code lunged at me with a Fire Fang. I jumped off of his head and into the air before Code jumped up and lunged at me. 

I used Iron Tail before he bit my tail, giving extreme heat to the rest of my body. I shouted in pain before I flipped and threw him down to the ground. Code slammed on the ground with a cry of pain before slowly standing back up. I hit the ground before stumbling. We both shot each other a smile, then a competitive growl. I charged up electricity in my tail before grabbing it with both paws and throwing it at him. Code, like a madmon, swatted it away, disregarding the extreme pain.

"You can take that now?" I asked with a smile. "Then how about a Volt Tackle?" I rushed at him, building up speed before Code smiled and began running at me with a Flare Blitz. This caused a huge explosion, as the two attacks hit the area too. Shards of glass and sand were everywhere on us. We were bruised all over our bodies, and there were a few cuts from the glass.

I felt weird, though. This was a fight, but I have never felt so alive. I began laughing a little, as I dusted off some of the glass. I shook off the rest of the sand and glass, as Code laughed and did the same. When we finished, we both shot each other a competitive grin. I shouted with extreme strength before running at him. 

I used Iron Tail to strike him, but he avoided each attack and used Fire Fang on my side. I cried in pain before grabbing his head and using Thunderbolt. We both sluggishly backed off of each other before I made a beeline for the sea. I used Iron Tail to slap the water, it becoming a wave and landing on Code.

"What's your deal?" Code asked loudly, trying to shake off the water.

"This is!" I shouted, launching the Thunderbolt at him. Because of the water, the electricity was increased and Code took a lot of damage. He hit the ground, and didn't get up.

"I may have lost earlier..." Code told me, struggling to get up. "But I won't lose today!" He stood up before charging at me. He began to use Fire Blast, but it wrapped around him and he came at me faster. I screamed before quickly avoiding him.

"Flame Wheel?" I asked loudly, "You learned how to use Flame Wheel?" Code landed on his face before quickly sitting up.

"I...Guess I did." He replied. Looking back at me. Code smiled devilishly before using his Flame Wheel to charge at me from different angles. I began going on the defensive, avoiding the flames as best as I could. I eventually was hit, and sent flying into the ocean.

I sank deeper and deeper, my body staying still. I didn't know what I could do next, as Code and I were evenly matched.

"Pikablue. Can you hear me?" I asked in my mind. "I think I need a little help..."

"What happened to 'I don't need to take this from you, Blue.'?" Pikablue asked with a blunt voice.

"Now's not the time to be petty, Blue!" I shouted in my mind. "Come on! Let's sync up!"

"Fine.. But you gotta apologize to me after this." She told me.

"Deal!" I agreed, before my left eye became blue. We swam up before going back to the beach. I looked down as Code walked up to me.

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