20: Gathering of Heroes-Ami

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I breathed in and out loudly, as I licked a scratch on my left paw. The cheers of the crowd were echoing throughout my head, and one thought crossed my mind. I... Can't win.. I was facing my quarterfinal match opponent, Sadie the Snivy. She was incredibly strong, as if she had been training her whole life. I avoided another Leaf Tornado, before it grazed the fur on my tail. 

I face planted on the ground, sliding forward slightly before I groaned. I then was grabbed by her vines, and was squeezed by them tightly. I could feel my sight begin to fade, the cheers of the crowd fading out quickly. The last thing I looked at was Pika's concerned face. Pika... I'm sorry...


I woke up quickly, looking around frantically. I was in a different place, a place I hadn't realized was occupied. A loud banging could be heard, a sound I decided to temporarily ignore.

"You're awake!" A voice exclaimed.

"It's only been ten minutes.." Another voice sighed. I looked around, and saw a red Vulpix, a white Vulpix, Sadie, and another Pokémon I hadn't identified yet.

"Who are you guys?" I asked, "And what's that banging noise?"

"Oh the Pikachu, Growlthe, Rockruff, and Gloom banging on the door?" The Snivy asked. "They were suspect, so I locked them out."

"They're my friends." I told her before jumping off of the bed. I opened the door before Pika tackled me into a hug.

"I-I saw you look at me.. A-And I felt something.." Pika cried frantically. "It was like I couldn't breathe anymore.."

"Hey, Pika.." I smiled, hugging him back. "I'm fine, see?" I pulled back slightly to show him my toothy grin.

"I don't think... I wanna see you hurt anymore.." Pika told me quietly.

"Okay we get it, Pika." Code sighed, pulling him off of me and holding him in the air. "You don't want to see Ami hurt."

"Because you loveeee herrrr~" Daisy smiled, before we both began blushing.

"E-Ew gross!" Pika shouted, kicking off of Code. "So who are you guys?"

"Okay." Sadie began. "I'm Sadie, and these are my friends Snowy, Wildfire, and Melo."

"Any reason why you have a Meloetta here in Alola?" Ria asked her, to which Sadie and Melo began sweating profusely.

"You're a... Snivy, right?" Pika asked, looking at Sadie. "There was a stuttering Pokémon in a black cloak who said you were.."

"A stuttering Pokémon?" Melo asked confusingly, to which Pika nodded.

"Maybe it's that Owen dude Sadie keeps talking about.." Wildfire told us. "She said he stutters a lot.."

"Who's Owen?" I asked Sadie, who looked away in shame.

"Owen is... Our friend.." Melo answered for her. "Sadie and him got into an argument, and Owen ran away a few weeks before the tournament."

"Wow.. Then let's find him." I told Sadie. "Whatever you two fought about, all you have to do is apologize, and everything'll be okay!" I gave her a bright smile, to which Melo gasped to.

"What's wrong with her?" Code asked, looking over to the shocked Meloetta.

"Sadie, Pika, Ami, and Wildfire." Melo began. "I need to talk to you outside."

"Why not here?" Pika asked, to which Melo turned to him with fierce eyes.

"Because this is classified information, my child.." She told him, who immediately backed off.

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