23: Free and Alive-Wildfire

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The wind of the ocean pushed on my fur as I laughed happily. I cheered as the waves below were sliced by the large boat we were on.

'Fire?" Snowy asked, walking up to me. "Why are you... Happy?"

"We've been on Alola our whole lives." I replied, turning to face her. "Now... We're going on an adventure and I can't wait!" Snowy yawned softly, letting out a cute squeak.

"Tired?" Snowy nodded, going half lidded. "Well then, Hop on! I'll carry you to our room." Snowy smiled tiredly before slowly climbing onto my back, nuzzling into my neck fur. I smiled before beginning to walk to Snowy's room.

"Hey Wil-" Ami tried to call over to me.

"Quiet!" I softly exclaimed. "Snow's asleep."

"Oh.. Sorry." Ami smiled nervously. "She seems so peaceful up there.."

"Yeah.." I replied. "She's so cute when she.... I-I-I mean... well she's very cute but... I-I.." I began to whimper in embarrassment, looking down at the floor.

"You care about her a lot, huh?" Ami asked, smiling at me. "I care about somemon a lot, too."

"Who?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You can't be serious." A voice told us from above. We looked up and saw Melo, watching over us with a deadpan stare.

"How'd you find us?" Ami asked, looking up at her. "This ship is so big, you wouldn't have seen us until we made it to the room."

"Well whoever I select as one of the rainbow heroes, I can sense them." Melo explained.

"That's... A little creepy.." I smiled nervously. "I'm heading to the room." I sped up before heading into the room that we all shared. The room was dimly lit, as it was nearing nighttime. I tucked Snowy into the bottom bunk of one of the many bunk beds in the room before she smiled unconsciously. I smiled at her before I began to leave the dark room. Before I did, a large lightning bolt hit, telling everyone on the ship that we were approaching a thunderstorm.

A few minutes later, Pika, Ami, Melo, Owen, and Sadie walked into the room before Owen turned on the light. Everyone on the boat was probably told to head to their rooms until the storm cleared.

"Well." Pika began. "I'm gonna sleep. It's probably gonna be some time before the storm clears." Evermon else nodded their agreement before heading to their beds. I turned off the light before trying to head to bed. For some reason, I found myself looking out at the storm. The waves crashed against the boat, shaking it a little. So much so that I lost my balance completely. 

I groaned as I hit the floor before I heard light sobs. I looked towards the noises and saw somemon curled up in a corner, a blanket covering their head. Another thunder boomed loudly, only scaring the covered Pokémon. I walked over to the concealed Pokémon, and lifted up the cover before seeing Snowy. She looked up at me with fear in her tear filled eyes.

"Snow..." I trailed, concerned for her. "You're still scared of thunder?" Snowy nodded shakily before looking down at the ground.

"Come here.." I walked closer before taking her up and tucking her back into her bed. "You don't need to be scared.." I told her quietly before another loud boom could be heard. Snowy jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm tired.." I yawned. "I'm gonna head to bed." She let go before I started to climb up to the bunk above hers.

"No.." Snowy quietly told me, grabbing my paw. "Hold me... Until I fall asleep." I smiled softly before we both tucked into Snowy's bed. Another thunder boomed before Snowy whimpered and hugged me tightly.

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