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[Asahi's POV]

Lunch time finally arrived and Daichi, Suga, and I were sitting in our normal spot. We were just having a normal conversation till we heard a bunch of voices coming towards us. We looked up to see all of the first years and second years running up to us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Suga asked once they were all here. "We just thought it would be fun to eat lunch with you three!" Hinata said while sitting down. The rest of them smiled and circled together.

None of us really new what to say since we were all eating but of course, Suga broke the silence.

"So Asahi.. how was the make out sesh?" Suga said. I chocked on what I was eating and looked up at him. Everyone was staring at me and Suga really confused. "I could ask the same  for you Suga." Kageyama said still eating his food. Everyone then looked over at Kageyama.

"I, am so confused right now." Ennoshita stated. "Well Kageyama, you shouldn't be talking." Nishinoya said while smirking at him. Both Hinata and Kageyama knew what he was talking about and looked down blushing.

"L-lets just go back to eating everyo-" Daichi was cut off by Tsukishima. "Oh no, nuh uh. You all have some explaining to do." Tsukki said, looking at all of them. "Tsukki I don't think that's a good ide-"

"Shut up Yamaguchi. Were doing it. Starting with the king and his tangerine." Tsukki said smiling and pushing his glasses back up to his face. "Don't think I didn't see both of you blush after they mentioned you Kageyama. And also you Suga and Daichi what was the king talking about after you said 'make out sesh'? Ohoho and don't get me started on you Asahi. Has nobody else noticed how he treats Nishinoya?"

Everyone just sat there, staring at Tsukishima, trying to process what he just said. "What? I'm just very observant." He said. "Okay okay hold up. I knew about Tobio and Hinata, sorta knew about Asahi and Noya, but DAICHI AND SUGA?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON." Tanaka exclaimed. "Gosh you all are so oblivious." Tsukishima stated.

Asahi, Hinata, Daichi, Nishinoya, Kageyama and Suga were all blushing like crazy, not knowing what to say. Everyone was just laughing now knowing that all of their teammates are attracted to each other.

Lunch was finally over and we all headed back to our classes. "Man that lunch was.. interesting." I said while walking back with Daichi. "uh huh.." he said quietly. The walk back was pretty silent until I wanted to know about him and Suga.

"So uh, you and Suga huh?" I asked him straight forward. "O-oh yeah.. it's been a while now since we started dating." Daichi replied. "Wow so there's been two secret relationships now." I said kind of shocked. "But what about you and Nishinoya?" He asked me. "Oh we aren't dating." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "So, you guys just make out for fun?" Daichi said kinda laughing. I chuckled a bit with Daichi

[Nishinoya's POV]

"Cmon Tsukishima you really had call all of us out like that??" I said following Tsukki swiftly behind him. "Yeah not cool man!" Hinata said, agreeing with me. "So it's true?" He said still walking towards the classroom. We were all really confused then. "Wait so you just said that stuff, not knowing if it was even the truth?!" Kageyama said running towards us.

"Well I mean it was pretty obvious. You guys are seriously the biggest idiots I've ever met." Tsukki said walking into his classroom. We didn't even realize we got back to where the
classes were before we heard the first bell ring. All of us said our goodbyes to each other and headed off to class

~Time skip brought to you by Lev's long legs~

[Nishinoya's POV]

Asahi and I were walking home like normally, but something felt off. I had the urge to say something, I don't know what though.

"Hey Asahi?"

"Yeah what's up?"


"Nishinoya are you o-"

"I think I'm in love with you."
wowowowow dramaaaa. Anyyyways don't have much to say again so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day/night <3


719 words

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