Mafia!Jyushimatsu x Reader

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Inspired by ara_jhoo's prompt.

She heard the gunshots outside before the front window of her flower shop shattered, crying out in fear as she ducked down into a far corner of the small back room. Cries of pain and shouts of anger rolled in from the street, triggering more gunshots before she heard footsteps running away from the store, not moving from her spot until she heard someone grunting in pain. The crunch of glass underfoot was heard as someone trespassed into her store before the young woman heard a few things get knocked to the ground, shattering and creating more debris. The woman grabbed one of the long wooden vases near her, wielding it like a baseball bat as she slowly crawled from her hiding spot.

"...dammit, not here...this isn't good..."

The voice identified the stranger as a man, the footsteps coming closer before she heard a wet 'thunk', the sound mixing with the broken glass on the ground. The woman peeked around the corner of the back room to see someone sprawled out on the ground, instantly dropping the wooden vase to go see if they were okay.

"Hey, hang in there...!" She called out as she checked over his body. The dark hair was stuck to his head and face in clumps, the coagulating blood trailing down and staining the yellow shirt that was tucked underneath the black suit jacket and black slacks. Her hands trembled when she recognized the man laying bleeding on her store floor: Jyushimatsu Matsuno, one of the Matsuno family sextuplets -- the very same group that had threatened her into taking a 'protection fee' to keep her business running.

Part of her wanted to let him bleed out despite the fact that she'd get a harsher punishment for letting one of the core six die on her property while she remained idly by. Most of her wanted to help, but with no formal medical training she was flying blind in this situation.

"" His soft voice caught her attention, his left hand weakly trying to pull open the front jacket pocket. The woman acted as his hands, pulling out a bloodied cell phone and pushing the contact that he indicated to call. Throwing the call on speakerphone, she rushed to grab a towel from the front of the sales floor and shook it hard to ensure there were no glass shards sticking to it.

"Matsuno residence."

"There' of the brothers here in my store. He's bleeding badly...address is 274B Clairmonte Road," The woman nearly shouted out as she pushed the towel against two wounds on his chest, a groan escaping his lips as the pressure grew, "Please help him!"

The line clicked dead, sending a pit of worry into her stomach as she looked back at the brother. His eyes were closed with a partial smile on his lips, his chest still rising and falling.

She kept pressure on the wounds until she heard a car screech to a stop outside her battered store, listening as three car doors closed before the crunch of glass announced their arrival inside the store. Before she could say anything, a rough hand shoved her aside and into a nearby display table, a man in a white doctor's coat kneeling in her place and checking over the brother's wounds.

"He's clear to be transported," Gently picking up the brother in his arms, the man stood up swiftly and carried him off, the woman's view cut off by someone standing in front of her. She swallowed hard and pressed her back into the table leg's edge as she made eye contact with the oldest brother of the family, the same sibling that 'persuaded' her to buy their protection.

While his dark hair and face matched the injured brother, his dark eyes were full of cunning and malice. The pressed red shirt was carefully tucked into the black slacks, the complimenting black jacket resting on his shoulders as the oldest brother tugged down at his gold cufflinks.

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