Chapter 1

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~Amelia's POV~

"Amelia are you okay? You seemed grumpy all through the concert," my friend Amy asked. Grumpy? I was pissed. Why did she do this to me?

"Am I okay? I basically got dragged out to a concert I didn't even want to watch. I know you like The Wanted, I love their music too. But that's it. Just the music. You know about me and Nathan James Sykes. I never ever wanted to see him again. You knew that!" I yelled. She cowered a little, she knew not to argue back when I was this mad. I concentrated on the road, not wanting to crash and ruin my car. It was a silver convertible, and I had owned it for a good year now.

I sent Amy back to her flat before storming up to mine, a few blocks away. I was so happy when my parents helped me pay for this flat.

It was a decent size, consisting of the living room, a kitchen, 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms. I had no flatmates, so I used the spare room as a sort of music release. When I get really pissed off, like now, I would just go in there and sing, or something. I had a keyboard, guitar and a flip camera in there for when I wanted to upload any recordings on YouTube.

I ran in and slammed the door. I leant against it, slumping into a seating position. I let my mind wander to 4 years ago...


"Congrats Nath! I knew you would be in! Now can you put me down?" I giggled. My best friend for 8 years, Nathan, finally stopped spinning me and let me go. I had managed to convince him to audition for a boy band. He had came back a few weeks later screaming down the street that he was in.

"Hey, Am... I have some pretty bad news... I-I'm moving to London to stay with my band mates..." my smile dropped when he said that. He couldn't go. I quickly hid my sadness and we went out to celebrate his success.

-A month later-

"Bye Nath, I'll really miss ya. Go get famous!" I tried to smile for Nath's sake. This was his dream, all he needed was someone to push him a little. He wasn't oblivious to my sadness though.

"Hey, Am, don't be upset! We'll keep touch and stuff. I'll call you every weekend. On break I'll come visit. I promise. Don't worry, I won't forget you," he smiled hugging me. I blinked back my tears. Of course we would.

"Bye Am, I'll really miss you," he kissed my forehead before climbing into the car, and going. I watched until I could no longer see the car.

*End of Flashback*

That was it. He never called, never called back, nothing. Break came around and I waited eagerly for him, but nothing. I remember waiting by my phone every night, just hoping for even a text. Nothing. After a year I realised he had of course forgotten me. He had girls all over him.

I changed. I grew distant, keeping to my room and seldom hanging out. Also, I dyed my hair blonde hair brown, stopped wearing make up and lost quite a lot of weight. My older brother, Reed, talked to me about it once. He was two years older than me, and was very protective of me and our family. He told me he was worried, I had not eaten much over the past few weeks and I was always cooped up in my room. Then I really came clean.

"Reed, these words remain within these for walls. Me and Nath are best of friends, but you knew that already. But last year, I... Reed, I think I may have a crush on Nath. He's just so sweet and caring. How do you think I felt when he had to go? He promised to call, I haven't gotten a single text. Because of him, I activated an Twitter account giving out soppy disgusting romantic tweets. He promised, and I'm done waiting," I told him, and he held me as I cried. He didn't say much, he just held me as I cried.

After that, I became even worse. I found it difficult to trust people. My twitter account, Heart Broken, had just over a hundred followers. I would tweet my mind out, and think out of crazy quotes about love and heartbreak.

Nathan's band, The Wanted, was taking the world by storm. They had broken America and were famous. I loved their music, and that was it. I didn't watch their Wanted Wednesday flips, purely just music. I began making covers of some of their songs, such as Warzone and Last to Know. I had two miserable subscribers, and I didn't mind. I sang because I loved singing.

As I lay on the floor of my spare room, I let the memories come flooding back, let the tears flow from my eyes and let exhaustion engulf me.

Author's Note: Hey, people! Thanks for reading this and I apologise if it's crappy and the title makes no sense. This is my first fanfic on Nathan, hope you like it! If you don't just comment on how to improve! Thanks very much!


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