Chapter 6

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~Nathan's POV~

"I've really missed you," Amelia whispered in a shaky voice. I kissed her head, breathing in the familiar shampoo smell. She always used Sunsilk's Lively Clean and Fresh.

"I've really missed you too," I muttered. I really have. I missed all the fun times we've had, all those memories in Gloucester. But she's really changed. Her blonde short hair was now chocolate brown and hung below her shoulder. When I left Gloucester, and her, she was a little plump, but I didn't care. Now, as I hugged and held her, she was half gone. She also had grown a little. The only thing that remained were her electric blue eyes, eyes that I would recognise anywhere.

"Come on, you're exhausted, lets get you back to your hotel," I said to her and she tried to protest, typical.

"No, let's get you back first, I'll be fine!" I sighed, she always put others first. I told her it was alright, but she insisted. So I gave in. She asked me where my hotel was, and I told her. She googled something before dragging me to some sort of train station.

~Amelia's POV~

I searched his hotel and found it quite close to mine, so we could take the MRT train. I find this train system much better than a cab. You had to scan a sort of ticket to enter and exit the stations. Singapore citizens had a sort of card to scan but if not you could sort of buy a one way ticket which lets you enter and exit once. And the trains and stations were really clean and comfy too.

I recalled how Nadiya and Mdm Fatimah had gone to a machine and bought me a ticket. I dragged Nathan to the nearest train station, Expo. I went over to the machine and tapped on a dot with the station name Orchard before slotting in some money. A single card came out and I handed it to Nathan before buying myself another one. The whole time he stared at me, flabbergasted.

"Just follow me. You're supposed to scan this at the fare gate," I explained to Nathan, who nodded. I scanned my ticket and stepped through the fare gate. He followed suit. Then I followed the directions to the train headed in that direction. After a few minutes wait, the train arrived. Thankfully, it was really late at night and there were no crowds. I was pretty sure Nath would attract quite a bit of attention.

I explained about the MRT train system, just how Nadiya and her mom explained to me. He marvelled at the convenience and I agreed. According to the map available in the train, we had to change train to get to Orchard station. When we finally arrived at Orchard MRT station, I went to return the tickets at the machine and got a change.

We walked to his hotel in silence. His hotel was majestic! He told me the lads all had separate rooms, but they had each others room keys. He invited me into his room, which was massive! A huge queen sized bed filled up half the room and there was a bathroom with a bathtub in it. A couch for two sat near the door. Geez, this room makes my 4 star hotel seem like a shabby motel. He told me to wait on the couch while he changed and made tea.

He came back in with 2 mugs filled with tea. I can't believe he actually remembered how I liked my tea, 2 sugars and no milk. We sipped in awkward silence for a bit and the tension grew. Finally we put down our mugs and talked a little.

We caught up on each others lives, although I already knew about his, he was famous! He found out about my newly developed passions, my job, and after finding out I wanted to be a wardrobe stylist, asked me to try and 'style' him, which I caved after a while.

"Well... If you're going casual then a simple pair of... Black jeans and any white top will look good on you. And since your fringe is combed up, hopefully it means you have finally gotten rid of those SnapBacks you're in love with. Shoes... Just wear your a pair of grey Supras and you're good to go. Not forgetting your dog tags you can't seem to get enough of. There you go," I said simply. He was staring at me like I was some freak. His jaw dropped and I pushed it up before jokingly poking his cheek.

"You realise that it could take hours for a stylist to actually style a celebrity, right? You're a freakin natural!" I couldn't say I was a natural, I knew him for 12 years! I pointed this out and he thought about it before he asked me style Tom to look professional but not in a suit. I thought about it. Tom was tough.

"Damn this is tough... Tom looking professional is not easy... Okay try this. A white striped long sleeved work shirt with black jeans. And those black business shoes men wear. So if Tom feels warm, he can roll up the sleeves a little. Yeap, that's the best I can do though," this one really was a mind twister.

"Amelia you're a natural! Tom is not an easy task. You know what, I'm gonna talk to Jayne. I think we have a new wardrobe stylist!" Wait what? I can't do that! I have a job! Nathan saw the look on my face and told me not to worry. But how could I not? I looked at the clock on his bedside table. Oh shit.

"Hey Nath, you don't suppose that the MRT train runs after one in the morning do you?" I gulped. I didn't have much cash to grab a cab home. He told me he didn't think so and I groaned.

"Hey, it's alright. You can stay here till tomorrow morning. You don't have any plans tomorrow do you?" I thought about it. I didn't have any plans for the rest of the two weeks! Nadiya had some courses, but I didn't know when. I shook my head and told him I was going to just rent a car and explore Singapore a little more.

"Well then, for the next few nights we have a gig, then it's an empty schedule. When are you flying out?"

"31 July. I'll be spending my birthday in Gloucester with my family and friends. You?" I asked him. He told me he was flying out the day before me. Cool. Then he told me he had a very urgent gig on my birthday. Why couldn't he cancel it? He told he was really sorry, and would really try to make it. It was alright, I guess. His passion was in music.

We talked a bit more, then I asked Nathan if he had something I could wear for the night. He tossed me a shirt and a pair of grey trackies. I pulled them on. Ugh. I used to be able to wear Nath's size. Now the shirt ended above my knees. Thankfully though, my waist had grown a little so I didn't have to worry about the trackies apart from a few times, when it slid a little. When I stepped out Nathan smirked.

"You look hot in my clothes," I returned his smirk and grabbed a pillow from his bed before making my way to the couch. He asked what I was doing.

"Sleeping, I'm gonna annoy the heck outta you in the morning."

"Come on here then! Don't worry, I don't bite... Hard," his voice dripped with seduction and I shivered. I told him no and he gave me a puppy face. Then he picked me up, causing me to shriek. He knew I hated this.

"Nathan! Let me go! Put me-Nath!" He chuckled before dumping me onto his bed. I faced away from him. He climbed in behind me and his arm crept around me. I sighed the turned around to face him. He smiled at me.

I took a deep breath, and crashed my lips on his. He pulled us into an upright position and continued. Our lips moved in sync with each other, then I felt his tongue beg for entrance. I gasped, and he took the opportunity to dominate my mouth.

When we finally pulled apart, panting, I sat and smiled at him, which he returned. It was... Wow, no words could describe it. We lay back down, and I faced away from him again. I was glad he couldn't see my face right now. He pulled me into his warm chest and I could feel it rising and falling with every breath he took. It was calming, and after a while I succumbed to the exhaustion.

Author's Note: Aww... They're together! What are your thoughts on... Nathelia? I suck at ship names, sorry... So, thanks for reading! Comment, or fan!


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