Chapter 7

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~Amelia's POV~

I woke up with Nathan's arm slung around me and his face a few inches away. I squirmed a little and looked at the time. Ughhh... It was only nine in the morning, so I settled back, hoping for a few more precious minutes of sleep. No such luck.

"Nath! Nath! Nath! Na-oh shit," my eyes flew open at the sound of a familiar voice. It couldn't be Tom, could it? To confirm my suspicion, The Wanted lads had all burst into Nath's room, and all Nath had reacted was groan and turn over. Jay, who stood behind Tom, shot me a sympathetic look. I sat up, carefully moving Nath's arm away.

"So... Nath's finally pulled one hasn't he? About time eh? Wouldn't shut up about a girl named Amelia or summit. So, who are you and can you wake him up?" I smiled at them. Nathan hasn't shut up about me?

"Erm... I might kinda be... Amelia. And I have a few ways of waking him up," being his best friend for 12 years had thought me a lot about Nath. The lads just stared at me. They then stepped forward to hug me, with introductions being tossed around. Then they asked me to wake the 'grumpy little boy' up. I thought about it for a moment and asked if try had something long I could borrow. Tom immediately took off his belt and I took it and dangled it above his body.

"NATH! NATH! There's a freakin snake in the bed! (Cue high scream) NATHAN!" I smiled when it worked, he shot right up and flailed around before I pulled the belt away from him.

"THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" I laughed even more when he yelled that. I kissed him on the nose before getting off the bed and handing a laughing, breathless Tom his belt. Jay was literally on the floor clutching his stomach, Tom was bent over, hands on his knees, Siva was laughing like there was no tomorrow and Max was leaning against the couch, clutching his stomach just like Jay. Nathan pouted at me and I caved, giving him a small peck on his soft lips. Which caused all the others to finally stop laughing and go 'aww'.

"Guys, meet my girlfriend, Amelia," his one sentence sent butterflies to my stomach. I smiled, and he leaned in for a kiss, but I leaned away, grinning while he pouted. After a few yell of 'REJECTED!' from the other lads, I gave in and kissed him, a quick but passionate kiss. I had to pull away after Max cleared his throat, and Nathan groaned. I muttered a quick 'later' and he brightened up immediately.

"So, what's the schedule today?" I asked. They had a sound check at about 4pm and the gig started at 7.30pm, but apart from that they were free. Okay then... I asked them where they were eating and they told me they weren't sure, before tossing around a few posh sounding names. An idea popped into my crazy mind.

"Hey, all these places sound really expensive. Wanna try local food that's good and cheap?" I stressed on the 'and'. They told me sure, and I asked if they were okay with a fan coming along. Once they nodded their approval. I told them to keep quiet as I called Nadiya.

"Hey, Nadiya! So sorry about yesterday. Listen, I really need your help. Do you mind bringing me and some friends to Kopitiam? Please? It's very, erm, how do you say it in Malay... Penting! Very important, yes! Seriously? Alright, 12pm at my hotel room then. Thanks so much, see you soon!" I turned to face 5 very confused lads and grinned cheekily.

"I, unlike you lazy arses, have picked up on some local tips. Now hurry up, Nath I want you out of the bathroom in half an hour or I will come in and drag you out. We have to get to my hotel room by 12pm. We're meeting Nadiya there, who will take us to a hawker centre. Lads, you have till 11.30am to get ready before I come drag you out of your room, regardless of what you're wearing. I wanna surprise Nadiya and I know how late you guys can get," it felt good bossing these guys around. It was 10.50am They shook their heads meekly and left. I turned to Nathan and pointed to the bathroom. Then while he was in the bath, I searched through his clothes, looking for something wearable.

I finally decided on my pair of jeans from last night and a grey shirt with the words I'D DO YOU on it. The trackies fit me perfectly, must be too small for him. The shirt was still too large, but a simple fashionable knot would fix that. I glanced at the clock. Ugh. Half an hour was up and it was time for Nathan to get out of the bathroom. I could hear him singing as I walked closer. I stopped to listen for a while then snapped out of my reverie. He needed to get out. I took a deep breath, then yelled.

"Nathan James Sykes, if you don't get out before the countdown, there will be no physical contact for a week! Ten! Nine!" I laughed as I heard water immediately stop running and him rushing around. I counted till 6 before pausing again. He stepped out and rammed straight into me, a towel wrapped around his waist and a scowl on his face. I hugged him and pecked his cheek before rushing in.

My bath was much faster than his, seeing as I didn't sing in the shower. He had heard my voice once, and that was more than enough. I hummed quietly instead and quickly changed and tied the knot on the shirt. I didn't look that bad. I dried my hair and tied it in a simple high ponytail with a black hair rubber band I had found in my pocket somehow. Then I pushed open the door to find Nathan on his phone, probably checking twitter. I grabbed my hoodie and tied it around my waist and he looked up.

"Hey gorgeous," he said, causing the colour to rush to my cheeks. He laughed, making me go even redder. I checked the time. Time to get the rest of the lads. I asked Nathan for each of their door keys and he passed them to me, knowing I had something planned for each of them.

Author's Note: Okay, so Amelia meets the lads! This is mainly a filler chapter. Thanks for reading! Fan or comment! And I apologise for wasting your time on reading these useless author's notes!


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