Chapter 15

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~Amelia's POV~

Three months. Three months since my break up. I rarely ate, at the most eating breakfast before I'm unable to eat anything else. I lost 10 pounds, and my colleagues always talk about how much of a workaholic I was. I wasn't a workaholic, I just needed to distract myself. I had changed my number and only Siva, Tom, Reed, Amy and a few others knew of it. I slashed my arm open almost every night, and the number of songs I had written in my notebook grew.

Now, when I look in the mirror, I don't see Amelia Brown anymore. I see the ghost of her, skin and bones. I look like my skin was stretched tightly over my body. My eyes which once sparkled with life, had lost its shine. I hadn't seen Reed, or Amy or Tom, knowing what their reaction would be.

The Wanted was now on tour lasting three months. They would be back in a few days, and I knew that if Tom needed to break down my door, he would break it just so he could see me. According to Siva, Nathan had a broken nose. I immediately chided Tom.

"He hurt you! I warned him!"

"I just had to stop Reed from attacking him, and now I have to deal with you? Just, just don't touch him." he tried to protest, but I had hung up.

-5 days later-

"Amelia! Amelia, open the door or I will break it down!" I curled up even tighter on the floor. I would open it, but my stomach really hurt right now. Why did Tom have to visit now? He couldn't see me like this. And no warning, whatsoever. I mustered all my strength to yell 'GO AWAY!' but it came out as a weak cry. Now he was pounding his fists even more furiously. I groaned and struggled to get up. Ugh, why was I so weak? I tried again, but the pain in my stomach got even worse, if that was possible. This happened loads, but I didn't normally have visitors so I didn't really have to bother about getting up.

I heard a yell and the door broke. I was in my spare room, I was working on a new song I had started when Nathan cheated on me. I only had a few lines, so since today was my day off I thought I would have another shot at it. I could laugh at how much of a soppy romantic I was. After I broke up with Nathan, I had written two other songs, both a little depressing. I heard two voices. Two voices?! That couldn't be right, I was pretty sure only Tom was outside.

"Holy shi-Nathan! Nathan she's here!" Nathan? Why was he here? I felt Tom's strong arms wrap around my twig of a body. Luckily I had worn long sleeves or the cuts would be seen. I winced as my stomached acted up again.

"Tom? Wha-What's Nathan doing here? He can't see me! Tom..." I felt the exhaustion, hunger and pain all get to me. I had spent my night crying again, leaving me with only an hour's worth of sleep. Tom cradled me and I got a glimpse of Nathan at the door. He looked horrified. Tom yelled at Nathan asking him to call an ambulance, but I protested.

"No! Tom, Tom I'm fine... Give me a minute... Shit," I crawled to my bathroom and threw up what little I had of my breakfast. I looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, I could see the skin stretched over my cheekbones. I looked like... Well, a ghost of some sort. Both Nathan and Tom barged in. I couldn't take it anymore. I let the darkness engulf me, hearing Tom's and Nathan's cries of my name fade.

Next I woke up, I was in... The freakin hospital. Really? I was very sure I had specifically said not to bring me to the hospital. I saw a sleeping figure on the chair next to me. Tom.

"Tom? What am I doing here? I was sure I said not to bring me to the hospital. Tom? Are you alright?" I whispered as I gently shook his arm. Thank God I was wearing a long sleeved gown. He jerked awake, then hugged me.

"Amelia! You're alright! What happened to you? The doctor said you passed out due to severe exhaustion and malnutrition. Really? What would drive anyone to starve themselves? Amelia, you had me worried sick you know that? And Nathan refused to leave your side until this morning! What happened to you?" I felt the myriad of questions launch at me. I sighed.

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