Chapter 13

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~Amelia's POV~

I woke up and stretched. What happened last night? When did I change? And why was Nathan in my bed, arms wrapped around me? Nath jerked awake and smiled a small smile. I asked him what was wrong.

"Why do you do it?" Huh? Do what? The confused face I had led him to roll up my sleeves. Oh. That.

"Why would you do this to yourself? Why didn't you come to me or something?" I turned away.

"You weren't there. The older ones never actually healed over. The newer ones were when I saw you a few weeks ago..." I trailed off and he wrapped his arms around me. He muttered something I couldn't catch.

"I found your note," I mumbled. He shot straight up in a sitting position, and looked at me, horror evident on his face. I laughed, it was cute! He frowned and asked what was funny.

"No... It's just... You're adorable with your horrified face. Sorry," I giggled. He relaxed and chuckled along with me. I pulled him back down beside me. I told him of the crush I had in him since the year before he had a crush on him. He blushed, as did I when I told him of my crush. I stretched and got up, and Nathan whined. I smiled and pecked him on the lips, and the kiss became a little more heated.

"AMELIA! Mom said to get your arse down t-oh. Sorry," I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Nathan. Reed winked at me. I chased him down the hallway, until he ran into his room and locked it of course. I hammered my fists on the door, but was stopped by Mom's yell.

"AMELIA CHRISTINA AND REED LUCAS BROWN! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW! Oh, and Nathan dear, if you would be so kind to help me," no fair. How come we get yelled at but Nathan didn't have any scolding? I practically stomped down the stairs, Reed behind. Nathan was setting the table, placing a last plate before moving to the cutlery. I grabbed the forks off him, and helped out. He smiled a thanks when we were done and Mom came out with a smile on her face and a huge pot in her arms. Reed ran forward to help her.

We ate a simple lunch then each of us separated. Reed went out, Mom went to watch TV and Nathan went home after promising to see me the next day. I retreated back up to my room and grabbed my notebook from the bottom of my wardrobe. No one knew of this book. The Wanted think I've written one song. I've written loads. They were just crappy. I turned to a fresh page and grabbed my pencil. I never wrote lyrics in ink until they were confirmed to be grammatically correct and deemed okay. I randomly wrote some lines, then thought about it. I needed a melody. Damn, why'd I leave my guitar back home? But this wasn't meant for a guitar. I could see this song was a piano song, if that makes sense. I sighed in frustration, then closed the book and climbed into bed.

~Nathan's POV~

"Mate, where've ya been?" Jay called out. Me and Jay shared a room, with Siva. Tom and Max shared another.

I explained just before Tom came in. And then I had to repeat it. The mickey was obviously taken out of me before Max came in and added to my misery. I realised something.

"Hey, where's Seev?"

"He went out, said he needed to get something."

Oh okay then. Siva always went out on his own, saying he needed some time away from us 'immature people'. I am very mature. I think. The others though... That's a little hard to say. Jay was on twitter, Max and Tom were joking around with each other, and I was relaxing on my bed.

I wondered what Amelia was doing. She really was the world to me. I couldn't believe she found my letter! I had wanted to pass it to her, but she had moved out. So Reed offered to put it somewhere safe where she would find it. And she did.

Amelia got on really with the lads. Especially Tom. They treat each other like siblings. And Tom as the overprotective older brother. If Tom was single, I would be worried, by the way he treats her. But he has a girlfriend, and now I know they're like siblings or something.

Whenever Amelia had trouble, and didn't want to talk to many people, she would go to Tom, if not me. The next closest I'd say she was to was Siva. They bonded over Star Wars and you'd often catch them bickering over which characters were cooler.

"Nathan, mate, could you give me your phone for a while?" Tom called. Huh? Why would he need my phone, he had his own. I yelled that to him, but he came to the room door and asked again, his face expressionless which was odd. I thought he had been joking around with me. I passed it to him, and he turned away so I couldn't see what he was doing.

"You haven't been on twitter, have you?" I shook my head, puzzled. He sighed, then passed me my phone. It was Amelia's twitter account. I was shocked. The Fanmily had been sending her hate, calling her a slag and stuff. Now I knew why Tom saw red, and so did I. How could they do this to her? I sent out a tweet.

-Hey, I've noticed a lot of you guys are hating on @Am_Nath but please don't. She really means the world to me so stop. #HatingWontDoIt-

I turned off my phone, but it quickly buzzed with twitter reminders of followers apologising, more hate, and some sweet ones. Some started a trend #Nathelia, which was sweet.

But I couldn't do this to Amelia. I knew she hated attention. And there were also some articles about us. I wouldn't be surprised if she went back to London to be greeted by a lot of hate mail. But if she had seen these hate, wouldn't she have come to me? I looked up at Tom. He gave me a sympathetic look. I called Am.

"Hey, Nath."

"Hi Am. Listen, have you been on twitter lately?"

"Yeah... Your fans are really creative with their swear words. But don't worry babe, I know to ignore them."

"Oh... But I still hate the hate. You don't deserve the best."


"Whoops, that was Reed. See you soon? You're leaving in two days, right? Tomorrow I'll be busy, but don't worry, I'll see you off at the airport."

"But I need to be there at like 5am!"

"Yeah... I sorted that out already. Tomorrow night I'm staying over at your and Jay's room, so I'll be able to send you off."

"But babe, you really don't need to-"

Click. She's still as stubborn as ever. I looked about my room. We were only here a few days, but the room was in a mess. Clothes were strewn all over, and shoes likewise. I picked up and attempted to clean up, and it wasn't bad! Jay and the others wanted to head to a bar nearby, so I tagged along. I really wish I hadn't.

Author's Note: Hope y'all like it! I'm knackered, so... Thanks for reading, fan or comment!


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