2 ☼ Tomorrow

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Just when I had finally given up hope, the truck stopped and the doors opened. I braced myself. It was now or never.

When the doors were finally wide enough, I sprang at them. Barely passing through the crack, I slammed right into Mr. Rhodes. Together, we both tumbled to the ground. I sent an hasty apology his way, and sprinted away from the truck.

Now that I was actually out and looking for Granny, I realized that I had no idea about how to get back home. I was unfamiliar with this part of town. I walked down the crowded street, asking anyone who would listen for guidance.

I pulled my thin clothes closer around me to keep out the afternoon chill, passing vendors who had set up their carts along the street. Most, if not all of the food, was hot and fresh. I was hungry, but I didn't have any money and I wasn't desperate enough to resort to stealing.

I walked down the street, looking at all the different vendors when I stopped to take in a deep breath, enjoying my freedom. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a dog barking and cans rattling. I watched as a dog with cans attached to his tail run by, being chased by a bunch of bullies. This made me mad enough to race after them as they escaped into an alley.

"Get his tail." I heard one of them say as I came up to the group of boys surrounding the dog.

"Poor dog," I said to myself before pulling one of the boys away from the helpless creature. "Leave him alone. What's he ever done to you?" I asked, glaring at the dinghy boys in scruffy clothing.

One of them stepped up and attempted to push me away, but I grabbed at him and kneed the kid in the gut, landing him in a trash can.

"Anybody else?" I watched them as they started to panic. "Then get lost."

All of the boys started to run from the alleyway. When they reached the end of the alley they stopped and looked back. Seeing this, I raised my fists in front of me and made it look like I was going after them again. They continued running and when they were completely out of sight I turned back to the dog. He wasn't a mutt, that's for sure.

He shot one look at me. I was startled at the sudden beauty I found in its black eyes.

"Hey, you're alright," I said to the dog as I bent down and untied the cans from his tail. Once off, I patted the dog's head as he licked my cheek, thanking me. "I know the feeling."

I started to leave and the dog proceeded to follow after. When I was halfway out the alley, I noticed the dog was still behind me and bent down so I was eye level.

"Why are you following me? I don't even have a crumb, dog. I won't be able to feed you," I said softly, patting him once more before standing back up. "How about letting me be?"

However, with every step forward the dog continued to follow behind. So, my new found friend and I walked down the street together just enjoying the day. I was looking around at all the different people and items they were selling. I didn't notice as a dog catcher came up behind me. As I turned back, I witnessed the plumped, pasty skinned man who had a rope in his hands, hooked it around the dog's neck.

"Hey, mister, that's my dog!" I said, walking after the catcher who was taking the dog back to his truck.

"Oh yeah?" he said as his green eyes stared down at me. "Where's his license? Where's his leash? He's no more your dog than I am your father."

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