11 ☼ We Got Annie

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By eleven, Annie was sound asleep in her bed and I was heading down to Rhea's room where she was already waiting, back to her pillow as she sat up in bed.

"Anything I can get you before we get straight to business," I asked, sitting in a chair next to her bedside as Beckham entered the room.

"Tea please," she answered.

Beckham nodded, "Your usual Miss?"

"That'll be fine, thank you Beckham."

With a slight bow the man was gone to collect the requested items.

Once we were all settled into our drinks, Rhea hesitantly opened up the intended conversation by explaining her progress with her attorney and her leave once the issue was settled. She went on to express her desire to return home with Annie as soon as she was given the go ahead. I nodded along as I heard her out. "The only thing I'm worried about is Annéta. She seems to have become really comfortable being here. I'm worried about how she's going to take moving back to the village. I'm sure she's going to miss everyone, miss you."

"We'll miss her too. I've really gotten used to having her around. In fact, that's what I want to talk about," I said seriously. "I was hoping I could get you to agree to let her stay with me on a regular basis."

"As in adoption?" The woman asked, uncertainty in her voice.

"It crossed my mind, yes," I unquestionably confirmed.

The older woman continued to hesitate. "I know you travel a lot..."

"I'll work it out," I interjected. "Seeing her on a regular basis is important," I assured before dropping my voice to a near whisper as I worked to solidify my promise. "...to me. It's important to me."

"And your work? Aquela, you only had the child for a few weeks. I raised her for years..."

"I can do it!" I said in my defense before lowering my voice. "I know I can."

Before I could finish my thought, the older woman was cutting me off, not sounding one bit surprised. "Do what exactly? Raising a child in your case may be easy. Being a mother is another thing, Aquela. Are you sure you can handle the responsibility that comes with it?"

At those words I grew quiet as I turned my head towards her. "This is about Annéta," she added softly. "... and I'm willing to discuss any option that has her best interest at heart."

When the woman said she wanted to discuss every option, she meant every option. As such, it was well past one in the morning when our conversation started to wrap up with both of us now leaning towards me taking on a more stable role in Annie's life. Of course, everything would have to be discussed with Annie, her opinion would be heavily considered before taking any further steps towards anything permanent. Which left me to worry. The girl just met me, I couldn't imagine her giving up her life with her grandmother to start a new one with me.

"So, we're both in agreement?" Rhea asked tiredly.

"Yes, I'll call the lawyer in the morning but we won't do anything until we talk to Annie," I said with a weary smile. It had been a long couple of days and the rest of the week didn't look like it was going to be any less hectic.

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