14 ☼ Let's Go to the Movies

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Mrs. Lowery, the school's nurse, winced down at the electronic thermometer in her mittened hand. "Well, it isn't anything life threatening," she detected before taking a hard look at me. "but you are quite feverish. Maybe I should ring home..."

"No!" I practically yelled out when the middle-aged woman grabbed the cell phone from her desktop.

Although I felt miserable with a stuffy nose, pounding headache, and an achy stomach that felt like it was still deciding on whether it was going to keep down the lunch I had earlier, there was no way Ms. Kenslee could know about this.

It took a lot of acting to finally convince Mrs. Lowery not to call Ms. Kenslee, and was eventually sent back to class.

By three o'clock, Mr. Bradley was parked outside the school's building to take me home. Standing beside the limo, the older man frowned as he got a closer look at me.

"Are you all alright, Miss Annie?" he asked, taking a hold of my bookbag as I stepped into the backseat.

"Sure, I'm fine." I reassured him while trying to also reassure myself. I just had to be okay.

Arriving home, I was immediately greeted by Beckham and Maximo. They were both standing by the main entrance doors, looking way too concerned for my liking.

"Hey, guys."

Max straightened out, "Annie..."

"No," I shook my head. "It's just a small cold. No biggie."

"You didn't get any sleep last night," Beckham interjected.

I was about to respond back when commotion sounded from the sitting room.

"Ms. Kenslee's home?!" I questioned before turning back to the worried bodies in front of me.

"Just arrived," Beckham informed me as he took a hold of my belongings. "She's been waiting to see you."

Upon entering the massive room, I hurried over at the first sight of Ms. Kenslee.

The woman lightly laughed when I pressed my head against her stomach. She retaliated by placing her arms around me with a warm squeeze. Then she kissed the top of my head before pulling away to stare into my brown eyes. "How was school?"

"It was okay," I told her before being pulled into a pair of strong arms. I instinctively wrapped my arm around the man's waist.

"Welcome home, Annie."

I smiled inside Dimi's arms before slowly turning in his embrace to look up at Ms. Kenslee with sudden confusion. "I thought you wouldn't be home for another two hours."

"So did I," she admitted, "but it seems my obligations have drawn me elsewhere."


"Yeah," Dimi's gruff voice sounded, "obligations."

"You're not looking too well, love." Ms. Kenslee frowned, "When was the last time you've slept?"

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