15 ☼ Circumstantial Evidence

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"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked into my room to find Ms. Kenslee surrounded by a notebook and holding the large calculator.

The woman looked up and started repacking all of the supplies into a box.  "I was making sure everything was here, that's all," she said casually.

"You got the calculator?" I asked in awe when I saw it still laying on the bedspread.  "That's great. Now I won't have to borrow one. See, the school has a few in each classroom for you to borrow but you have to take turns. Having my own is going to be so much easier. Thank you."

Ms. Kenslee only smiled at the enthusiasm and went about to check on breakfast, well, lunch. It was already eleven and the plan for today was to drop me off at the airport at two or so. But before leaving the room, she turned to address me.

"Hey, hun? I need you to go ahead and start packing up the clothes that you want to take with you.  You can leave some there, that's fine;  but whatever you're going to need for school and whatnot you need to keep here, okay?"

My smile faded into a frown once the door closed shut. Tux accompanied me, resting on his large armchair, watching me slowly pace from the closet to my bed. I was excited to be visiting granny, but also sad to be away from Ms. Kenslee and home. This will be my very first trip away from her and Tux.

By the time I had carelessly thrown a small half of my wardrobe into the suitcases, Beckham entered to tell me that lunch was ready and even though I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before, I wasn't the least bit hungry.  So I decided to stay in my room for the time being with Tux and a few books to keep me company.

After several minutes, a light knock was sounded on the outside of the door when Ms. Kenslee called through, "Ann? Lunch is ready."

I heard her calling but remained silent.

"Annie? Is everything alright?"

Rather than have the door opened and invade my personal space, I heard the woman ask Beckham if I was in distress.  When the man confirmed that I was fine, Ms. Kenslee simply said, "Alright, hun. I'll have Mrs. McGee make you a plate for when you're ready.  We need to leave here in about an hour, so keep that in mind."

Sighing, I shut my book. It only took about ten minutes for me to give in and quietly exit downstairs. "I'm sorry," I mumbled as I wandered into the dining room and sat down at the table across from Ms. Kenslee.

"You're fine. Why don't you go ahead and eat, I'll get Beckham to start taking your bags to the car."

I nodded and started picking at the plate that she thoughtfully had set aside for me. It was all of my favorite foods.

The ride to the airport was quiet. Mr. Bradley drove and Ms. Kenslee sat in the back with me as I ended up laying down in the seat with my head on the woman's lap, but I didn't dare fall asleep. Even when she began stroking my hair and running her hands gently along my exposed arm.

As soon as we arrived in front of the busy building, Mr. Bradley began to carry my things inside, giving me and Ms. Kenslee some space. She urged me to sit up and give her a hug.  "Alright, love, this is your stop. Tell your grandmother that I said hello. I'm going to go to work but I'll call you when I get home, deal?"

I returned the hug.  "Deal. I'll tell her.  ...and I'll talk to you tonight."

Pulling away, Ms. Kenslee reached over and opened up the door.  "You better get going. Your flight's about to be departing soon. I love you, alright?"

"I know. I love you too. Talk to you tonight," I replied as I exited the car and slowly made my way inside the building, meeting Mr. Bradley at the double doors.

"Hey, Annie," he said in a soft tone as he led me to the counter check-in. "You must be a little bit glad to be going home, right? I'm sure your grandmother will be awfully eager to see you."

I nodded and took a deep breath.  "I'm ready to see her too." As we approached the line, I glanced up at the tall man. "I-I guess I should get going," I hesitated.

"I guess so," Mr. Bradley returned with a smile and reached out to give my shoulder a squeeze.  "...but I'll see you on Friday after school. Don't make me wait."

"I won't," I laughed and then darted up to the waiting line.

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