Wtf is Going on With Christine Canigula

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Chapter 7 ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Chapter 7 ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇



I woke up in a room that definitely wasn't mine.

I looked around.

It was Jeremy's room-

Holy. Shit.

Memories from last night flooded through my brain.

Jeremy's dad was getting married to Evan's mom.

Jeremy asked me to stay after Rich, Jake, and Christine left.

Then we fell asleep cuddling.

Damn it.

"Oh, you're awake" I jumped and sat up, a blurry Jeremy was playing blurry video games with a blurry Jake and Rich.

Did I mention they were blurry?

I put my glasses on "What time is it?"

"1:30 pm"


"When did Jake and Rich get here?"

Jeremy shrugged.

"We never left" Jake joked, I rolled my eyes.

Rich smirked "Thoooo, what did you two do latht night?"

Jeremy and I blushed "N-Nothing!" we both yelled.

Rich eyed us suspiciously as Jake quietly laughed.

"Whatever, I'll find out one day" (Rich is bby)

"Anyways, we came here to do homework but we got bored and decided to play video games" Jake shrugged.

I nodded.

Jeremy was trying to call someone and groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Christine, she isn't picking up any of my calls or answering my texts"

"Maybe the'th dead" Rich said.

Jeremy hit Rich's arm on a spot where his burns were, he winced "Oh- sorry. But don't say that!"

"She's probably busy with getting ready for the play" I sat on the floor.

Jeremy nodded.

After an hour of video game, Chloe, Jenna, and Brooke invited us to get frozen yogurt.

~At le Pinkberry~

When we got to Pinkberry, Chloe and Brooke looked very serious.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Brooke shook her head "Something is wrong with Christine, like really wrong"

I was confused "What do you mean?"

Jake looked up "Wait- you're right, she swore yesterday, and she usually hates it when we swear"

Chloe nodded "Yeah, and get this. She didn't sign up for the play this year"

Wait what?

"Okay thomething is definitely wrong with her, the (btw he's saying she not the) loveth the thchool playth (if you don't understand what he's saying just tell me but he's my lispy boi so obviously he needs the lisp)"

We sat down with our Frozen Yogurt.

I noticed Jeremy was thinking "What're you thinking about?" I asked.

Jeremy blinked "I think I know what's going on with her..."

We all looked at him.

"I remember, it happened to me once, and Rich..."

Chloe, Brooke, and Jake were confused.

"Don't you guys get it?"

They were still confused.

"Christine got a Squip..."
Ooh cliffhangerrrr


Anyways thank you -MYRIADNICE for the plot idea! ~

- Bisexual Bitch♌️💚❤️💛💙

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