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⭒❃.✮:▹ Chapter 4 ◃:✮.❃⭒

Evan's Bedroom

I was sitting on my phone for the past hour texting Jared, it was really late, 11:45pm.

Some crazy stuff happened at school, a boy named Conner Murphy found out about my crush on his sister Zoe.

(Changed the texting format thing)

Bathbomb Boi

he stole some weird sex letter u wrote to urself abt zoe murphy?

Shut up

whatever im going to bed

I got a text from Jeremy asking if I wanted to come with him and his friend Michael to 7/11, I quickly typed yes.

I waited for about 20 minutes until I heard a car honk outside.

"EVAN LET'S GO I WANNA GET A SLUSHY" Jeremy yelled, I ran outside to see Michael and Jeremy sitting in a PT Cruiser, Michael was driving.

7/11, 11pm

We walked into the 7/11, Jeremy and Michael were surprised to see two people making out, which confused me, it's normal to see a bunch of straight kids making out at random places in public.

The girl was sitting on the counter, she wore a plaid grey miniskirt, a blue blazer, and she had short brown hair.

The boy had a big black trenchcoat, brown hair, a white shirt, and black pants.

"Veronica?" Jeremy randomly said, startling the couple, the girl shrieked and fell off the counter, causing the boy to fall backwards and dropping a slushy he had in his hand, the girl fell on top of the boy.

"Holy motherfucking shit that scared the living fucking crap outta me, am I cussing too much? I'll stop" the girl muttered.

The boy chuckled "You can get off me now Ronnie, unless you're comfortable there"

The girl stuck her tongue out and him and got up, she noticed me and smiled "Hi, I'm Veronica!" she waved to me and I waved shyly back.

The boy glared at Veronica, but not in a I'm-gonna-kill-you way, it was a playful way.

"Am I gonna be stuck on the floor all day?" he pouted, Veronica laughed and helped him up.

"This is my boyfriend JD" Veronica smiled.

Michael looked at the slushy JD dropped when Jeremy scared them, you couldn't really drink it now, ice was spilled everywhere.

JD noticed the mess he made and chuckled nervously "I'm not cleaning that"

Veronica sighed and put a hand over her chest, I think she was checking her heartbeat.

I shifted uncomfortably, it was quiet.

Jeremy sighed "Sorry for scaring you guys..."

The couple shrugged "No, it's fine, sorry if we scarred you forever or something" Veronica laughed.

JD whispered something in her ear.

Veronica nodded "Alright, buy your slushy, I'll meet you there, let's go guys"

{Insert random park name}

"W-Where are we?" I asked as we walked in an abandoned park.

Veronica looked at me "Just an abandoned park that I sneak into all the time"

We sat down near the trees, I had the urge to climb one but my mother wouldn't let me climb trees until I get my cast off.

JD was running to us and sat down beside Veronica, who rested her head on his shoulder.

"Okay, I don't think we really know each other, so let's do introductions" Veronica said.

Jeremy shrugged "Jeremy" he mumbled.

"I'm Michael" Michael was choosing which song he should play.

"E-Evan.." I said quietly.

It was a bit quiet, then I got up "I'm going home..."

Jeremy was confused "But how are you gonna get home without Michael driving?"

"I'll get my friend to pick me up"

And I walked away, called Jared.
If anybody has any ideas for the next chapters, please tell me 💕

Also, boom, magic, new chapter like, 30 minutes after I published the last one

- Bisexual Bitch♌️💚❤️💛💙

Dear More Chill (aNd HeAtHeRs) - DEH, BMC, Heathers musical crossover ✔Where stories live. Discover now