Mountain Dew Red Scrunchies

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。❅*⋆⍋*∞*  Chapter 8  *∞*⍋⋆*❅。

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.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*  Chapter 8  *∞*⍋⋆*❅。.


A/N: I love this chapter title for some reason-

I'm making it the Sequels name if I make one.


I don't know why I did it.

I regret my life decisions.

'You shouldn't'

Yup, I, Christine Canigula (that's how you spell her last name, right?) took a Squip.

Now I have a supercomputer implanted in my brain that looks like Hillary Clinton.

Exactly like last time.

I thought I learned from what happened last time.

But I guess I didn't.

"Christine!" A voice called from behind me while I was walking nowhere in particular.


'Don't talk to him'

I have to.

"H-Hey Jeremy!"

It wasn't just Jeremy though, the whole squad was there.

"Christine, we know" Brooke

I blinked "Know what?"

"You took a thquip" Rich.

I froze "I- uh- I didn't-"

"But you did" Jake.

Ugh, don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

And now I'm crying.

"Michael, do you still have Mountain Dew Red?" Chloe asked.

Michael shook his head "I'll have to get more... if I can"

'Run away'



Before I could protest I screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME LOSERS" my body automatically turned around and I ran away.


"Well shit..." I muttered, kicking a rock.

"We need a plan" Brooke sighed.

Then I remembered something.

"Damn it I forgot to tell you guys something! Um.... my dads kinda getting married"

Jenna, Chloe, and Brooke squealed.

"Omg really!? Are we invited!? I wanna go!"

I nodded "Yeah all of you guys are invited"

Jake groaned "No time to fangirl over weddings and stuff... this is important business"

At School a Few Days Later

"Guys! Guys! I just saw the weirdest thing in the world!" Brooke exclaimed as Michael and I walked into school with Rich and Jake behind us.

"Ith that Crithtine... wearing an Eminem thirt?"

Holy shit.

That's just weird.

"What is happening to the world these days, computers that get implanted in your brain, AND FREAKING CHRISTINE CANIGULA WEARING AN EMINEM SHIRT" I screamed.

Chloe glared at me "Calm down, people are staring"

Christine walked over to... Ram Sweeney!?

"I-Is she blushing!?" Jake said.

We were in shock.

That's why she got a Squip

She had a crush on fucking Ram Sweeney.

In Class

"Guys, I have a plan" Jake whispered to me and Michael in math.

We looked at him, listening.

"Let's have a Halloween party, invite Christine, and then give her Mountain Dew Red at the party, saying it's punch!"


That's actually smart.

Like really smart.

I gave him a thumbs up.

"There's only one problem" he continued.


"We need to convince Rich to come"
Yay! Finally finished another chapterrrrr~

Can someone draw fanart of Christine wearing an Eminem shirt btw I wanna see it.

Also if anyone is confused why it'll be hard to convince Rich to come to the party is because what happened last party when he burned Jake's fucking house down.

Also you have no freaking idea how much I was laughing while writing about Christine wearing the Eminem shirt.

Yup that's it.

Also sorry that Heathers and DEH haven't been in the story much lately.

They'll be at the party.

Also ships might sail at the party.


- Bisexual Bitch♌️💚❤️💛💙

Dear More Chill (aNd HeAtHeRs) - DEH, BMC, Heathers musical crossover ✔Where stories live. Discover now