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♬♩♪♩ Chapter 2 ♩♪♩♬

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♬♩♪♩ Chapter 2 ♩♪♩♬


Jeremy smiled when he saw me at his door, slightly out of breath.

"Michael! How quick was the walk here?" he asked.

I shrugged "I ran here, and my house is that far from yours"

I looked at Jeremy's bed to see a boy with a cast sitting there, texting someone.

Was that his dads girlfriends son?

Jeremy notices me looking at him, and he can pretty much read my mind since he nodded.

"Oh, um we gotta go downstairs for dinner, Michael, do you wanna stay?" Jeremy asked, I tried not to blush and nodded.

The three of us walked downstairs.

I sat beside Jeremy, Evan sat across from me, alone.

"U-uh m-mom?" Evan said after some awkward silence.

Evan looked at the ground and mumbled something nobody could hear.

"Could you repeat that Evan?" Evan's mom asked.

Evan shifted "N-Never mind..."


I'm so fucking sorry about how short this chapter is! The next one will be a bit longer

- Bisexual Bitch♌️💚❤️💛💙

Dear More Chill (aNd HeAtHeRs) - DEH, BMC, Heathers musical crossover ✔Where stories live. Discover now