Chapter 1 - Uri

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'Uri get your lazy ass up.' Uck I can't wait to be 18 a couple more months and I'll be out of this house. It's not even 6 yet and he's waking me up now. Turning off my alarm I put on my trackies and baggy top. May as well go for a run if I've got time. I better hurry and make him breakfast before he finds a new way to punish me.

'About fucking time, I'm starving.' he mutters.

I ignore the comment hoping not to stir his anger more. Grabbing the eggs, bacon, sausages and hash browns I put them on the side till I've gotten the frying pan out. I start cooking. This has been my routine for as long as I can remember. John and his wife adopted me when I was five. It wasn't always this way. It all changed after Johns wife Janice had been part of a hit and run. She'd been found dead at the scene. John had never been the same after his heart turned to ice and his fist to steel. He was miserable and the only way he made himself feel better was to make me as miserable as he was.

Getting out a couple of plates I dished up a portion for John, and put what was left in the microwave. Handing Johns his plate I looked with utter disgust as he snatched the plate from me and started shoveling the food in. Food started getting stuck in his beard. Turning away I tried not too gag. I waited till he'd finished his before starting to wash up, Careful not to waste the water or washing up liquid. If I use a smidge to much i'd be in for a world of hurt a threat, i'd heard and felt too many times.

Walking to the door John offered the same warning he did every day before leaving for work. 'You better be home on time tonight, I want dinner cooked and ready for me when I get home.'

There was only once I hadn't been here to have his food cooked and ready for when he got home. When I finally arrived home, he had been ready for me. I'd been black and blue for days. There was no way to hide it. He had to call my work and make up some excuse as to why I wasn't in. Pretty sure it was a fake car accident that i'd had to play off for a week.

Anyway, enough thinking of those times. Things were better now as I'd found ways to make sure I didn't make him angry. Shoving on my trainers I locked the door behind me and ran. It was a good way to clear my head.

After about half an hour I decided to head home. Walking inside I went upstairs to get in the shower, one of the few luxury's I had. John was gone so I could spend a reasonable amount of time in there. Stripping off I stepped in. All my worries slipped away for a few minutes, leaving the warm sensation of the water washing over me. After finishing, I got up and got dressed for work.

Locking the door, I start walking. I work in a little coffee shop called Fairy Dust coffee it was only 10 minute walk from my house. It doesn't pay great but it's enough to pay John for letting me live and eat at home. I've done my best to save up enough for a deposit on a flat and almost the first months rent. As soon as I turn 18 i'm out of here.

I reach the door 'Hey Julie!' Julie a beautiful blond looked up from what she's doing. 'Hey Uri! Can you serve table 6 and 10 when you're ready because got my hands a little full' I hang my coat up, put on an apron and go and serve table 6 where 4 men are sitting. Damn boyyy. They are magnificent, I'm pretty sure they must be a gift from whatever god is out there.

'Uhh, how can I help you?'

One of the guys who had raven shoulder length hair like my own, and dark brown mischievous eyes. Looked me up and down then winked. 'I can think of several ways you can help me love.' My cheeks flamed and I momentarily forgot how to speak. He stared at me smirking. The guy sitting next to him wacked him round the head. 'ignore him, he doesn't know how to behave in front of beautiful ladies.' My cheeks flamed again. Pretty sure my cheeks are beetroot red at this point.

Not knowing what else to say I rephrased my question 'What would you like to order?' A guy sitting at the back of the table reeled off what they all wanted. With square black rimmed glasses and messy blonde hair, he looked like a sexy nerd. Mmm. What I'd give to get a taste of that bit of heaven. To be honest I'd love to get a taste of all 4 of them. Shaking my head to clear it from some sexy images I brought myself back to reality. 'Is that everything?' in response I got a collective nod. I went to get their food as they continued their conversation.

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