Chapter 5 - Hades

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Using our magic to make our selves unseen, we stand in various positions outside Uris house. Its the first time since we've arrived that we've needed to use our magic.

'Anyone see anything? Is she in there?' Xander asks.

I can barely see her through the curtains but she's there 'I see her through one of the curtains walking around.' I reply

'Okay, Hades and Caz take the back. Ade and I will take the front.'

Standing in our positions we waited long enough for it to start getting dark. I can't take the silence anymore

'You know, Caz you're being extremely quiet, more so than usual.'

Seemingly in thought he finally answers.

'I worry we are making the wrong decision. This whole situation doesn't feel right. We haven't gotten the whole story.'

As he replies a car turns up, a middle aged man steps out. With a sour face he goes into the house slamming the front door on his way in.

'I'm going to get closer, I have a bad feeling about this guy.'

'Okay, let's be careful though.' As I step close to one of the windows, Caz stands facing the opposite direction. He's always got my back, without me even asking.

Using my magic I hone in on the goings on in the house.

'what the fuck are you doing bitch?! This house is a mess! Where the fuck is my food?! I told you to have it ready! You stupid twat!'

This is how she lives? The poor girl. If only he knew how powerful she really is. Then he'd rethink the way he treats her.

'What do you call this?! Its not even edible! You're just asking for a beating aren't you?!'

'No, please, I'm sorry, I'll do better!'

Hearing the plate drop and a massive thud I decide I can't risk leaving her in there with that animal.

'Caz i'm going in there, somethings happened to her.'

'Are you sure that's wise?'

Ignoring him, I slip through the back door and spot Uri laying face down on the floor. Fury fills me and I lose control. I appear visible in front of John, startling him.

'How dare you treat her that way! You worthless peace of shit!' Hitting him once seems to allow the floodgates keeping my emotions in check, to open. I can't seem to stop.

Suddenly Caz is touching my shoulder, talking to me. 'Hades you're going to kill him! Let's take her and go!' I stop.

Walking towards Uri without a backwards glance or feeling of guilt, I pick her up. I move her hair out of her face as I walk with her in my arms. A tear seems to escape as I see her bruises and fresh blood.

'What are you doing with her? We were only supposed to watch!'

'Take a look at her face and tell me you wouldn't have done the same!' I shout, the rage I feel becoming evident too him.

Peering over he sees her face. I don't know how but he stays impassive.

'If were all in agreement she's the one, we should head home.'

We all nod. Too late now anyway. Opening a portal I wait for everyone to go through before I step into it. Within a blink of an eye, we're in the Palace throne room. Guards step forward as if were a threat. Once realising who we are they step back into position.

Looking around the throne room I catch the eye of the king. He looks down and seems to realise Im holding someone.

He steps forward 'is it her?' for someone who demanded the best of our people search for her with the biggest rewards, he sure looks uncaringly towards here.

'Yes your majesty. She's unconscious and hurt. Where would you like me to take her?'

'Evangeline, lead them to their rooms they will stay until she is awake. It should help her transition.'
Evangeline a small, portly, elderly women with long plaited grey hair leads us through several hallways before stopping outside a door.

'Here is her room, yours our down the hall. I will go and fetch a healer for her.'

'Not necessary, we took the choice from her about being here we can at least give her the choice of being healed.' Xander says remorsefully as I place her gently on the bed.

Evangeline leaves us. Pulling up a chair, I sit beside her. 'Hades you watch over her we will get something to eat from the kitchens.

They leave me in silence. As I look at her memories flash before me, pushing them aside I look at her taking her beauty in. She is breath taking. Her raven hair seems to accentuate her sharp facial structure.

Whimpers escape her mouth. Stroking her cheek hoping to soothe her, I can't help but feel sorry for her. This wasn't the life she was supposed to have, she's a princess. I hope she gets a good life now she's here. I know we have to leave when she wakes up but I'm not sure I want to.

Caz hands me a plate full of cheese, meat and bread. After we finish I make a suggestion. 'You guys catch up on some sleep and ill watch over her.' For some unexplainable reason I feel unable to leave her. Maybe its because of the kinship that I seem to feel towards her.

'Good idea. We will meet back in 5 hours if she hasn't woken up before hand.'

I continue to stare at her haunting beauty even battered and bruised she is a sight to behold. Reaching for her hand i hope to bring some comfort to her while she sleeps. A couple of hours go by, the more time that passes the harder it is keep my eyes open.

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