Chapter 3 - Uri

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Keeping myself busy during a shift is easy enough but keeping those boys out of my damn head is not. Thank god my shift is finally over, now I have bigger things to worry about.

'I'll see you later guys!' I said almost running out of the shop to catch the bus. I hope I'm not late home. I can't be dealing with another one of John's tantrums. The bus quickly arrived and I finally reached home, it seems John has yet to arrive. Hurrying in I made Spaghetti bolognaise. Not long after I finish he turns up with a slam of the door. Plating up the food I handed it to him on his favorite chair, where he sits watching the TV. No complaints are a good sign. I decided to eat my food at the table. Shoving it all in in case he decided for whatever reason I wasn't allowed to eat. This is my life for not much longer. If I kept saying that maybe I'd survive the next few months.

After eating I cleaned all the plates and pans, then left for the park. John didn't seem to notice most of the time, today seemed a good day so I braved it. Quietly leaving the house I started walking towards our local park it isn't anything special but it had swings, which always brought me back to the carefree days I missed. Sitting on the swings for a few hours listening to music eased my mind of the stress I'd been feeling.

My mind drifted back to those boys, I wonder if I'll ever meet them or even see them again. A daydream hit me of those boys and me sitting out in a field laughing and eating. Oh how I wish that was possible. With my eyes closed I encouraged lots of different scenarios to blossom.

'Need some company?'

'Jesus Christ,' I jumped 'you scared the shit out of me.' it was as if id summoned one of them just by thinking of him.

'Sorry love, I just noticed you by yourself wanted to check you're okay. Do you mind me sitting with you?'

I paused unsure what I should answer, I hope I don't regret this.

'Sure, why not.'

He sat down in the swing next to me pushing himself so he was slightly swinging. 'so what brings you out here by yourself?' He asked looking towards me. A stray bit of his raven hair falls in front of his eye, making him look like one of those guys from the Korean drama's I sometimes get to watch. Be still my beating heart! How is someone like him even talking to me.

Remembering he'd asked a question, I answered trying not to stumble over my words. 'I like the solitude, its peaceful. Gives me time to think. Let's me feel free.'

'I get that feeling going and seeing waterfalls.' he said with a smile. 'Do you need a push?' he said with a smirk.

'Sure,' I replied, unsure what else to say. 'Go easy on me though.'

'Don't worry love, I won't do more than you can handle.' he said in a husky voice. I bit my lip, Unsure of whether he was flirting or just talking talk about the swing.

Before I know it there is a lot more air under me than usual. I start to giggle nervously; I never usually went this high. Suddenly I losing balance I end up on the floor, on my ass.

Catching me before I hit the ground he ask with concern 'you alright love?' Did he get more handsome while I wasn't looking! God damn! with him holding me like this it made my stomach flutter. If I didn't go home now, the urge to kiss him would be too strong. 'I'm okay, thanks to you. I should probably get going.' Disappointment seems too flash across his face so quick that I'm not even sure if I saw it. Suddenly realizing I didn't even know his name I asked.

'I'm Ade.' Pretty sure his name is going to be burned into my brain forever. 'nice to meet you Ade.' I put my hand out for a handshake but instead he took it and kissed it, while looking up at me with those beautiful dark chocolate coloured eyes. 'Nice to meet you too Uri.'

'See you later Ade' his name left my mouth effortlessly. Turning away I started the walk home. Damn that boy is fineeeeee. I turned back for one last glance just to make sure I haven't dreamt him up, but there's no one there. Shaking my head, I checked on the my cheap phone. The only one a can afford without going into my savings. I realize it's almost 12. Shit, I'm so late. I hope he hasn't noticed I'm gone. Running the rest of the way I stop at the front door, opening it quietly. I creep in taking off my shoes.

'Where do you think you've been?!'

'I'm sorry I just went out for a walk.;

'Did I give you permission to go out for a walk?' John said as he grabbed my hair, and chucked me towards the stairs. 'How dare you think you can get away with this! You ungrateful little shit.' many more hurtful words were hurled at me I covered my ears trying to tune them out. The pain of his punches and kicks were a lot harder to tune out. My stomach and face throb after every blow. Pain lanced through my lip. Pretty sure he's just split it.

I start replaying my time with Ade, I concentrating on memorializing his face. His raven hair and chocolate coloured eyes stayed in my mind until I passed out, and even then, he followed me into my dreams.

Waking up groggy and in excruciating pain I stand up. Hobbling up the stairs, I creep into the bathroom. Cuts and bruises cover my face. A cut on my forehead bleeds onto the sink. Using some tissue, I soak up the blood till it stops dripping. I try to clean up the blood as best as I can, but nothing I do is going to make me look any better.

He went at me harder than usual this time. These aren't going to be easy to hid. Shit. I'm going to have to call in sick! I'm lucky I've saved up a bit of spare money for this exact reason. Overtaken by dizziness I slowly lower to the floor. Tears flood out before I can stop them. Uncontrollable forlornness starts sweeping through me. Covering my mouth to stifle the sobs I drag myself to the bed and curl up under the covers. I can do this, not much longer. This isn't going to be the rest of my life. It's just a blip. Before I realize, I fall into a deep sleep.

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