chapter 8 - Uri

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As we walk I hear a voice call to me from the forest. As I turn to check if the boys heard anything I am greeted by an empty path. I've seen plenty of movies like this, it never ends well for the person whose on their own. Looking around I see something move out of the corner of my eye. 'Hello?' I call feigning bravery.

'URI' I hear my name screamed through the trees a voice I faintly recognize. I know curiosity killed the cat but I refuse to die that easy. I run after the distressed voice. 'Where are you?' I shout trying to find my way to whoever it is. 'I'm over here Uri. Help me.'

'Who are you?' I shout. As I run I trip over a log. I swear it wasn't there a moment ago. Too busy running after the voice I don't spend anymore time thinking about the log. I run into a clearing and force myself to stop abruptly. I'm greeted by a familiar face.

'Uri. You've got a choice too make my love.'

I stare confused. 'What happened to the person who needed help? Where are they?'

'I'm sorry I used that to get you to come to me.' She looks apologetically. I take in every detail of her face. Love and anger started warring between me. This women raised me for the first few years of my life. Then she left without a word. My heart felt like it was breaking all over again looking at her.

'Why did you leave?'

'That is not why we are here. Im sorry my darling. I know you're hurting but you will get the answers you need in time. I promise.'

Call me stupid but I believed her. Deciding to trust her again at least for this brief moment. I replied. 'Okay.'

'You have 2 choices. You must choose honestly.'

She holds out one hand a luminescent sphere sits in the palm of her hand 'In this sphere you can have more power, but that power will end up ruining any humanity you have left in you.' She holds up the other one 'in this sphere you have to give your power to keep your humanity. Don't forget to answer honestly.'

I stand there thinking. If im honest with myself Being powerless all my life is making me lean towards more power. Everyone has used their power over me I deserve to have and use the power. I deserve pay back. I deserve... I give her my answer knowing my truth.

I fall onto the ground. My surroundings change. As I look around I stand up. Gone is the forest that was before me, in its place is a city i'm unsure what one. Wherever we are I've never been here before. People are running about I try to move to ask what's happening but I can't seem to move any part of my body.

The boys come into view, i try to scream, shout, anything to get their attention but nothing works. I resign myself to sitting down with an imaginary tub of toffee popcorn.

'This is not who you are Uri, stop this madness.' Caz says.

The unresponsive meat sack im in speaks. 'You don't even know who I am. Youve known me for all of what..? 5 minutes!.' She/me laughs manically. 'This is exactly who I am. He deserves to pay they all do. All of the people that have been abused by people like him deserve their revenge!! They will thank me for liberating them!!'

Shitttt. Why am I being so crazy? What the fuck is going on?

I carry on watching as other me seems to lose her shit even more. She spreads her arms out and destroys a few buildings that surround her. I hear people crying and shouting on fear. God I can't stand it. I cover my ears refusing to listen, the other me seems unbothered it seems to spur her on more.

The boys step forward trying to reach me. Before they get anywhere near they freeze. I uncover my ears to listen to whats happening 'You think you can stop me?!' She laughs like only a crazy person can. 'They all must pay!! I will destroy them all like they have destroyed me.' I scream at the boys.

'Uri, they haven't destroyed you. You're so strong. You're kind and caring. Dont let yourself become like them. You're better than this.' For a second she seems to soften but before I realise what's about to happen she lashes out and throws the guys into the air, they fly back and land on the ground unmoving.

I cry out hysterically and suddenly I am back in the clearing. Tears streaming down my face. Seems I may have forgotten its not real. I wipe my face, feeling stupid I stand up and try to get myself together.

'You may go.' Reflect on what you've learnt about yourself. I will see you again.' And just like that she disappears leaving me alone in the clearing. Unsure what to do I start walking.

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