Chapter 4 - xander

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Looking in the mirror, I stared at myself. Lately I've started to question whether what we're doing is right. We've spent at least 5 years looking for Uri. Now that we've found her, I'm questioning whether its right of us to basically kidnap her. Please goddess tell me what the right thing is.

'What you looking at?'

I turned at the voice to see Ade leaning on the bathroom doorframe. How did I not hear him?! Must have really been in my own head.

'Nothing. Just thinking. How is she? You didn't approach her, did you?'

'No of course not. I can follow orders you know!'

'I've yet to see that to be true.'

'And she was fine when I left. She went to the park for a bit, then went back home. So, I decided since she was home safe, I'd come back for the night.'

Following him through to our hotel bedroom I flopped onto the bed. 'Ade, do you think it's her?' I say looking towards him as he flops down next to me.

'I'm certain. The power coming off her is crazy, like nothing I've felt before. She's not just some ordinary guardian.'

I didn't feel like she was ordinary either. For whatever reason she seems to draw me in, but I'm going to put that at the back of my mind. We have more important things to deal with than a beautiful girl.

Grabbing my hand Ade spoke. 'You'll figure out what the right choice to make is. You always do.' His faith in me amazes me sometimes.

Ade and I have known each other so long. We met as children. I met Ade when my father came to in list himself in Ade's father's army. While his father met with mine, we hung out in the garden's. Then began to sword fight and trying to best each other. We ended up with several scratches but neither of us won as much as he likes to think he got the upper hand. Our fathers came out and gave us a scolding for using the real swords we'd stolen from the armoury. Since that day we've been thick as thieves. I'm pretty sure we can read each other's minds at this point; it really weirds some people out. Meeting Caz and Hades came later; when we went to the city centre.

'Did you find out anything about Uri?' Ade inquired.

'Yeah, but let's go over it with the guys tomorrow.'

'I'm beat anyway. Let's go to sleep.' he said getting into bed.

Following his lead. I stripped off and joined him in the only bed in the room. We opted for one double bed instead of twins to cut the cost, so Ade and I share a bed, and Hades sharing with Caz.

Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off. My alarm wakes me up at 9. Ades still fast asleep so I push him off the bed with my feet.

After hearing a satisfying thud Ade grunts out 'You dick.'

Laughing to myself I get up and head to the bathroom, locking the door. The showers hot water feels so good cascading over my skin. I use this time to myself to scrub away the dirt from my body and uncertainty from my mind.

Finishing up I head back to the room to find Ade still on the floor, in just his boxers. Grabbing the water bottle, I left on the side yesterday, I squeeze it over him. He startles awake and jumps up.

'Dude! What the fuck? Are you trying to drown me?! Fuckkk'

'Oh shut up ya baby's! Its time to get up, we've got to meet the others'

'Let me sleep' Ade says as he turns away from me.

'Don't make me come over there Ade. You'll regret it.'

'Do it, I dare you' he says with a smirk he usually uses on the ladies. I shake my head ignoring the effects of that stupid smirk. As I finish getting dressed I chuck a pillow at Ades head, before jumping on the bed waiting for him to get ready!

Slowly he stands chucking the pillow back at me!

'finallyyyy!' I say laying back on the bed

As he starts to get ready my mind seems to wander to Uri again and our purpose for being here. Our purpose here is to find the kings long lost daughter. We were assigned to this job because were the best seekers and fighters. Its an honour to be personally picked by the King. Why doesn't it feel like it? If the king asks something you don't have a choice but to obey.

'Hey, you in there?'

I come back onto the present as Ade boops my nose.

'Fuck off, let's go' I say pushing his hand away and heading towards the door.

We head to the hotel lobby, grabbing some food, we wait for Hades and Caz to arrive.

Before long Hades comes waltzing in, grabbing a massive plate of food. For someone so slim he sure eats enough food for 3 people. Caz slowly follows behind seemingly in thought.

'Over here guys' Ade calls them over. We eat in silence. They're probably wondering what our next step is. We all finish our food. Even though Hades plate was filled for 3 he ate it in the same time as the rest of us who had a plate for one. He sure knows how to put it away.

'Soooo.... we have till tomorrow to decide if its her, we will take her to the king. Then we can go back to our lives.'

Hades slowly asks 'Are you sure that's the right decision?'

For a second I'm taken by surprise, since I've been the leader of our group since we were chosen; they've never questioned me. For a second the confidence I had in my decision wavers.

'I am sure. He is her father after all. Its the best for everyone including her to come back with us if we are correct in our assumptions.'

I pull out the folded papers I had tucked in my back pocket. 'I found out a few things, but there really wasn't much on her. When she was five she was adopted by a couple; John and Janice. Janice died by a hit and run driver. Uri was top in her classes, even though she seems to have had a low attendance. There is no record of her before 5. So not sure what happened before then. That's all I got. Were going to have to monitor her make sure no one knows who she is then tomorrow we will take her with us back home. Let's go to the diner for lunch and observe her there. Until then let's keep a low profile we don't want to attract any unwanted attention. Not sure how she's not been found by the daemons, with such unbridled power.'

I look around the group none of them look particularly happy about this situation. They're only just realising what I have known this whole time; how impossible this situation is. I don't think they realised how hard it was going to be.

We all quietly go our own way biding our time till 1, Arriving at the diner around the same time.

Ordering our food we tried to find Uri but no luck.Waving down a waitress Hades asked 'hey is Uri in today?'

'Sorry no she called in sick.'

'Well this was pointless.' Ade said stabbing his food viciously.

'No it wasn't, this is good food. Who knows when we will get to eat food this good again.' Hades babbles shoving another mouthful of food into his mouth.

'Let's finish, then stake out her house.' Finishing up we headed to where she lives.

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