chapter 6 - Uri

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Startling awake, my anxiety is high, and looking around makes it worse. Where. The. Fuck. Am. I. I look around the room I'm in, its a large fancy room. With a golden trimmed fireplace. Golden trimmed everything! Whoevers place this is they must be rich! I really don't belong here! What the hell is going on! Looking around I take in the rest of the room. The theme seems to be gold and velvet. Velvet curtains that hang down by the window, velvet bedding.

Looking down at the bedding I suddenly realise someone's holding my hand, I pull my hand away sharply. Startling them.

'I'm awake, I'm awake.' They say looking around the room, for what I'm not sure.

'Its you!!' The guy with electric blue shoulder length hair and piercings in all the right places who came into the coffee shop is sitting next to the bed.

'Why am I here?! What's going on?!' I demand answers as I push myself away from him in fear.

'WHY HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED ME! YOU PHSYCO?!' I start shouting. I hear doors opening nearby and people running. 3 more people I recognise run into the room.

'What's going on?' A dark beautiful grey eyed man speaks to the blue haired emo looking guy next to me. I recognise them all from the coffee shop. Should have known they were bad news.

'She's upset, for good reason.' The guy next to me said before turning back to me. 'Hey, my names Hades, that's Xander' he said pointing to the grey eyed beauty. 'Thats Caz with the glasses, and that's Ade.' He said pointing at them one by one. Pretty sure they're more gorgeous than they were in the coffee shop! Damn it, im getting off track.

'I don't care what your names are! I want to know why I'm here, why have you taken me?!'

'I don't know if you remember but, you've been hurt. I saved you from that brute that's supposed to be you're father. We brought you to your actual father.' Hades says with a half smile.

My brains stops functioning for a second. I can't have heard correctly.

'Come again?!' I say the only thing coming out of my mouth.

'I'll take it from here Hades.' Xander says before starting to talk to me. 'I know this is confusing and scary but we were sent by your father to find you and take you too him. We would have explained everything first but we couldn't in good conscious leave you with that man. So we took to your fathers kingdom . We haven't gotten a healer to heal you as we didn't want to make any more choices for you than we already have.'

Father. Kingdom. Sitting there in silence those two words keep repeating in my head.

'What do you mean my father? I'm pretty sure you didn't just say kingdom. I've clearly been hit too hard in the head and this is a some sort of unconscious dream or delusion. Maybe I've finally lost my mind!' I say not able to stop myself from spiralling.

'Love. You're going to be okay. We will protect you. I promise.'

'Are you sure that's something you can keep?' I say incredulously. My past experiences with people make me inclined to disbelieve Ade promising my safety.

Ade starts to reply but Xander puts his hand on his shoulder silencing him. Clearly it is not something they can keep. Before I can say anything a older women enters the room.

Turning to the boys she says as if I'm not there 'The king requests your presence, including hers' before walking out.

'Well it seems like its time to meet your father.' Caz says with a friendly smile. I smile back before I stop myself. Just because he seems sweet doesn't change the fact they took me to this unknown place.

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