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"THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE IN LA?" Jan shouted down the phone.

Crystal sighed softly, placing her head back the pillow that Gigi had described about how long it took her to perfectly fluff it up prior to Crystals arrival.

"I mean that... I'm in LA?" Crystal spoke- her tone sounding almost unsure because she was absolutely terrified of jans screaming voice and most definitely was not ready to hear the hyper-active girls octaves raise at her through the phone.

Before Crystal could even get another word in Jan was requesting to FaceTime "I swear to god bitch if you don't pick up the consequences will be worse than they already are."

Crystal answered the FaceTime call.

"Okay so hear me out-" Crystal began, her words being shut up whenever she saw Jan's irritated expression "I'm hearing you out. What I'm I hearing?" Jan then spoke seconds after and you could hear the anger seethe through her voice.

"So basically..." Crystal began to speak her voice sounding as uneasy as she actually was because she didn't want to distract Gigi from the shower she was having by Jan's overly dramatic screams. She opted for turning down her volume.

"In a gay way." Crystal stated.

"OH WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?" Jan chuckled softly, the understanding being evident in her voice and the roll of Crystals eyes making Jan chuckle to herself.

"So... you are just in this girls apartment, who is she? Or they? Who are they- yeah that sounds better." Jan corrected herself with a small chuckle "remember that person Gigi.. the one I told you about a while back." Crystals hands slowly played with the bottom of her shirt, twisting the pulled fabric around her finger.

"REALLY? WOOOOOOOOWWWWWW" Jan chuckled down the phone the shock on her face was evident- enhancing Crystal's embarrassed blush profusely.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything?"

"You know what I mean. Bitch."

"Hey. Listen. I'm just shocked that you finally took to someone. I know it's been hard for you after Daya left. I'm just... happy? I'm really fucking happy for you. And I'm glad that maybe you have FINALLY got somebody." Jan rambled out, the smile on her face quite unmissable and Crystal couldn't say she was surprised; the girl often was as preppy as she was now and the clear excitement had crystal almost on the verge of laughing.

"We aren't dating"

"what the fuck?"


Jan was confused now, her once grinning rambling face was staring back at Crystals confusedly- not understanding the point that she was trying to convey. "Huh?"

"I'm gonna ask her out... like soon..." Crystal mumbled, trying to figure out a plausible excuse to get Jan off of her back for the most part.

"How soon is soon?" Jan proded, interrogating the Latina further, A long sigh leaving Crystals lips at the question.

The sound of the bathroom door clicking open from outside of her room, the handle jiggling from where Gigi was just previously showering just a few moments prior.

Crystal hadn't even realised that Gigi had left the shower or even turned it off, but now there Gigi was, the sounds of her footsteps slowly plopping down the hallway, soon to pass Crystals room- Crystal assumed that Gigi was taking even longer than she already would because she was more than likely on her phone.

Perhaps it was the nervous burst of manic Crystal had felt in her chest, or just an excuse to finally get Jan off of her back, but Crystal needed to do something, and she was about to do it.

"Like now."

"W-?" Jans question got cut off immediately by Crystal hanging up the call abruptly, her overly expensive phone being thrown on the bed far too carelessly for her liking but she can't go back now, she has this in her head and who was she to back out from a challenge? Perhaps she gave this challenge to herself but the spirit was still there.

Crystal rushed around the bed and out the door, Gigi just inches away from where she was stood in the hall of her apartment. "Hi" Gigi stated, looking up from her jam-packed Instagram feed and giving crystal a small smile, the small glow illuminating her flawless face made crystal want to pout in awe.

Crystals mouth lay agape for a few seconds, she hadn't thought of any ideas of what to say to Gigi in the minute prior that she had come up with this. Now she just looked silly, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly for a minimum of twenty seconds before Gigi finally spoke up "What the fuck?" Her eyebrow furrowed as her fingers played with the mesh material of her crop top.

"Canwegoonadatepleasewecanactuallydoanythingyouwantlikewecanseriouslyjustsitandwatchamovieandmaybeholdhandsifyoulike?" The words were rushed out, barely audible also, Gigi was thankful she was semi gifted in the hearing department because she was more than able to debunk every word without a hint of hesitation.


"Sure? Like... you will?" Crystal questioned confusedly, she was half expecting Gigi to laugh in her face and say no to her, this reaction was unexpected- Crystal had prepared herself for rejection and now she was just plain confused.

"Sure... we will have a movie date later tonight?" Gigi questioned, a small smile slipping up on her lips, a blush tinting over her cheeks and the confident exterior she had built for her original answer was slowly deteriorating right in front of the girl that she had a crush on.

"So we are definitely having a date tonight? Like seriously... you and I- are going to have like a date... for real?"

Crystal couldn't believe the words falling out of her sparkling lips, she knew they had both shared feelings for one another but actually acknowledging them felt even more phenomenal than she had imagined, and although it wasn't a very big acknowledgement at all- and she doesn't even know if the date would go well- it still made her chest tighten with anticipation.

"Yes Crystal. A date tonight, definitely."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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