Chapter 10

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Stana's POV

I finally desided on my outfit for this "dinner date" with Nathan that I agreed to go on. I'm wearing a red flowy short dress, with simple black heals, and of course red lipstick.  I blow dryed my hair straight and put some loose curls in it. Now, I'm not one to give my self positive feedback often, but I have to say that my whole outfit is on fleek (point). Well now that I've got over an hour before Nathan arrives, I'm gonna watch some of the Castle episodes from the first season, because those are my favorites.

Nathan's POV

After a long day onset I usually like to come home relax, have a glass of vintage wine, and watch the news, but tonight I'm too focused on getting ready for the last minute date I have with Stana. I have no idea where I'm taking her, what flower I'm bringing her, or what tie I'm gonna where. The struggle is so real right now that I have not taken a shower or shaven and I have to leave in 30 min to pick up Stana. So of course I've decided to go with one of our usual restaurants Panino and I make reservations. Then I take a quick shower, but forget to shave, and I head to pick up some flowers. Now it takes me the longest time to pick out flowers for Stana, cause no matter what anyone says she deserves nothing but the best. I settle with a variety color of roses and am off to Stana's.

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