Chapter 4

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Stana's POV

I finaly made it on set and Nathan asked where I had been, and for once he actually sounded worried. I kind of just shrugged and said I had a headache. He didn't seem to buy it, but he didnt say anything else about it. He asked me if I wanted to come to his place and have wine, bread, cheese, and fruit for dinner. I really wanted to go, but I told him I'd get back to him after shooting today. He seemed a bit disapponted but he accepted my answer, and we left it at that. 

While shooting the engagement scene, the only thing I'm thinking is......Why cant this happen to me?......Why cant I get married and have kids?. Of course my thoughts were interrupted because the directer kept cutting because he said I looked "distracted". So we took a 15 min break and I decded to talk to Nathan, he always seems to cheer me up when I need.

Nathan's POV

We are taking a break cause the director thinks Stana is distracted. I hope all she needs is a 15 min break, because I really want her to come over tonight. When I asked her about it she didn't seem all that interested, so I really hope she is not upset with me or something. When she comes over I'm hoping I can have a serious conversation with her, I want to make sure she wants our relationship to go further. Because I feel like we have been paying so much attention on how we portray our relaiontship on set, and that we don't have time for our relationship off the set. 

Stana approched me wanting to talk, and the first thing that comes to my mind is about our relationship. When I tell her I was planning on talking about it at dinner tonight, she seemed confused. She said that she just wanted to have a quick talk before getting back on set, so that she could be in a good mood. So I told her about how I spilled my coffee all over my pants this morning on my way to the set. She laughed and she said a genuine thank you, and accepted my invitation to dinner tonight.

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