Take Care

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I sit down at the table. "M-mom. I have s-something to- to tell you." She nods. "I'm gay." I say trying to keep everything together. I look at her. "No." I stand up. "What?" I ask. "You're not gay." She whispers. "H-how w-w-would you- you k-know?" I ask stuttering. She stands up smiling. "You're pathetic." She whispers. "N-n-no!" I say hold back my tears. "Get out of my house."

The door opens. "Toni? What are you doing here?" Cheryl ask quietly. "M-my m-m-m-mom, s-she- she ki-kicke-d me o-o-ou-out." I struggle to get out. She nods. "Come on." She grabs my bag and lets me in. We go into the living room. "Can you tell me what happened?" She ask sitting in front of me. "I-I I d-d-d-don't- I don't kn-ow." I whisper. "Your stutter is back." She whispers. "I-I'm- I'm s-s-sorry." She shakes her head. "It's ok!" She cups my cheek. "You can tell me later! Do you need anything?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "Do you want to take a bath?" I shake my head again. "Do you want to just go to bed?" I nod. She helps me up and we go to her room.


I walk into the bedroom. "Toni hasn't woken up yet. It's been about 6 hours." I tell Sweet Pea. "Do you know what happened?" I ask quietly. "She came out to her mom. She kicked Toni out." I look at him. "Her stutter is back." I say quietly. "Like worse than before. She can barely get a sentence out." He nods. "It happens when she's under a lot of stress. Call me in the morning when she wakes up and has time to breathe. If it hasn't gotten better, we'll figure out what to do. I have to go take care of something." He explains. "Ok." He leaves. I lie down next to Toni. "Baby." She groans. "N-no." I sigh. "It's been almost 6 hours." I whisper. "We should get something to eat." She nods. "P-po-ops." She suggest. "I was thinking that." I kiss her cheek. "Get dressed." I whisper.

"What do you want Toni?" Veronica ask looking at her. Toni freezes up. "The usual." I say quietly. Veronica nods. "Of course." She leaves. "I-I'm s-so-r-ry." I shake my head. "It's ok." I take her hand. "Sweet Pea told me what happened." She looks at me. "I-I'm s-sorry f-f-for j-ju-ust s-sho- showing u-up." I shake my head. "It's ok. Luckily we've been together long enough I don't really question it." She smiles a little. "Your mom did this to you." I whisper. "M-my h-hand." She says. I let go. "Sorry baby." She rolls her eyes. "I- I w-w-want t-to g-g-go t-to bed." I smile a little. "After dinner." She nods.

I rub Toni's thigh. "W-what?" She ask smiling. "I know you're going through a lot right now. But we said we would talk about something else. Like our more intimate relationship." I say quietly. "A-any-anything t-t-that- that d-doesn't h-have to do-o w-wi-th m-m-my mom." She explains. "S-so s-sex!" I smile. "We still haven't had sex yet and honestly at this point, I'm ahh... ready when you're ready." I whisper lying down to in front of her. "I-I'm r-ready." She whispers. I nod. "What do you like?" I ask. "I-I d-d-don't r-really- really kn-know." She says. "I've- I've n-never h-had s-sex." She adds cupping my cheek. "W-w-what d-do y-y-you l-ike?" She ask quietly. "Well, I'm kinda in the same boat but I wouldn't hate experimenting with stuff." I say rubbing circles in her thigh. She swallows hard. "Uh huh." She nods. I smile and pull her into a kiss. "W-w-we c-can s-start to-tonight." I bite my lip. "Was that you being turned on or your actual stutter?" I ask. "Y-yes." She kisses me again. I put my hand closer to her crotch. She moans. I look up. "I-I really d-don't know w-what I'm- I'm doing." I nod. "You've never even..." Toni shakes her head. "I-I'm s-sor-r-ry." I shake my head. "It's ok! We'll go slow! We don't even have to do anything tonight!" I reassure her. "I-I w-want to." I nod. "How about I lead tonight, since I have some kind of knowledge of what's happening." She nods. "Do you want me to walk you through this?" She nods. I sit up on my knees. "Lie down on your back on the pillow." I say quietly. "Can I take your pants off?" I ask quietly. "I-it w-would defeat t-the pur-purpose if you didn't." I smile. I slowly take off her pants and kiss up her thighs. She moans a little. "You ok?" I ask. She nods. "Do you want a safe word?" I ask her. "Drum." She says immediately. I nod. "Drum it is." She smiles and I go back to her thigh. I pull off her underwear. I look at her and she nods. I slowly start eating her out. "F-fuck!" She moans out grabbing my hair. It throws me off at first but I don't really care. "Oh god!" She moans and cums. I smile and lie next to her. "You ok?" I ask moving some hair out of her face. She nods. "T-thank you." I smile. "Of course." I whisper. I pull her into a kiss. "You didn't freak out like I thought you would when you came." I whisper. She smiles. "We should get some sleep." I say quietly.

I walk into the bedroom and see Toni sleeping, a lot more peacefully than yesterday. I smile. I go over to her. "Coffee, tea or water?" I ask her. "N-neither." She says rolling over to look at me. "I-I have a-a a m-meeting w-with m-my s-sp-speech th-therapist." She whispers. "You gonna be ok going alone today?" I ask quietly. "I d-don't k-know." She whispers. "Do you want me to go?" I ask. She nods. "I'll drive." I say before getting up. She grabs my arm. "Y-y-you n-ne-need t-to stop baby-ying m-me." She says quietly. "I'm not trying to, I'm just worried about you." She nods. "H-have you t-talked to J-j-Jordan?" She ask quietly. I look at her confused. "Who?" She sighs. "S-Sweet P-p-pea." I shake my head. "Not since last night." I say. "C-can w-w-w-we go by h-h-h-his t-trailer on the- the w-way h-home?" I nod.

Toni sits on the bed and I sit in front of her like last night. I take her hand. "What made you come out to your mom?" I ask her. "S-she w-w-was r-real-really c-close t-to f-f-find o-o-out." I look at her. "Finding." I correct her. "W-what?" She ask. "You just find. It's finding." She pushes my shoulder a little. "S-shut u-u-up." I look at her. I cup her cheek and pull her into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I say sitting up. "It- it ah... it just- it just slipped out." Her eyes widen as she looks at me terrified. She gets up. "I-I j-j-just just n-n-need a-a m-m-m-minute." She walks out. I start crying. I don't know how much time goes by but Toni walks into the room. "I-I'm  r-r-r-really s-s-sor-r-r-ry." She whispers. She looks at me. "I shouldn't have said what I said." I whisper. "I-I-I'm n-n-not really g-g-g-good w-w-wi-with m-m-my w-wor-rds." She says quietly. "No shit." She smiles. "You took like a whole ass minute to get the sentence out." She walks closer to me. "I-I-I... love... y-you." She says slowly so she doesn't stutter was much. I smile. I pull her into a kiss. She wipes my tears. "C-can w-w-we w-watch a-a m-movie o-or or s-s-something." I nod. "What do you want to watch?" I ask quietly. She thinks. "F-f-Ferris Bu- Bueller's-s Bu-." I stop her noticing she's having more trouble than usual. I know she's gonna say Farris Bueller's day off! But I need her to stay it. "Say it slowly." I whisper. She nods. "Ferris... B-bueller's day off." She says it slowly. I nod. "Come on." We both lie down and watch the movie. Half way through the movie there's a knock on the door. "I-I-I'll g-g-get I-it." She whispers. I pause the movie and go with her. She opens the door. "M-m-mom?"

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