Bad Texter

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Toni walks into the house, comes over to me and sits down on the couch next to me. "You ok baby?" I ask quietly. She doesn't say anything, she just lies into me. I rap my arm around her. "What did Reggie do?" I ask quietly. "N-Nothing f-f-for o-o-once." She whispers. "Than what's on your mind?" I ask quietly. "I-I w-w-was t-t-taking p-p-pictures o-o-of th-the t-track t-t-team a-and I-I I realized h-how m-much I m-mi-miss i-it." She explains. I look at her. "It-t-t w-wa-was th-the-e o-only th-th-thing g-getting m-me in-into college." She whispers. Before I can say anything she sits up and starts to go upstairs. "I-I-I h-h-have a-a-a h-headache." I nod. She goes upstairs to our room and goes to bed. A few hours go by so I go and check on Toni. She's fine! I just want to make sure she's not having a panic attack or anything.

"Where's Toni?" Kevin ask running over to me. "She wasn't feeling well so she stayed home." I half lie. "Is she ok?" He ask concerned. I nod. "Yeah! Just some stuff happened yesterday. She'll be back tomorrow." He nods. "Why do you care?" I ask quietly. "Because I saw her at track and she looked depressed." He says quietly. "Yeah, she just misses it." I explain.


It's been a few days and I'm feeling a lot better. "Here's all the places I need you to go." Betty hands me a paper. "Also, do you want Toni or Antoinette on the paper for credit?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "T-Toni." She nods. "Go to the music room first. Josie will start to give you shit but it's fine." I nod. "Also, be careful on the pool deck, especially with your knee." I nod. "Th-thanks m-m-mom." I say before leaving. I walk into the music room. Josie stops what she's doing. "What are you doing here? This is a closed practice." I nod. "I-I h-h-here f-f-fr-from th-the b-bl-blue a-a-and g-g-g-go-gold." I explain. I show her my camera. She looks at the rest of the girls. "You can be here for 15 minutes and than you're gone." I nod and start taking pictures. "Toni! Can you play an instrument?" Valerie ask smiling. I shrug. "M-My m-m-mom m-made m-m-me l-l-learn p-p-p-piano b-b-but th-th-that w-w-was b-b-before th-th-the ac-acc-accident." I explain. "Do you remember anything that you could play?" She ask. I shrug. I sit down in front of the piano. I don't know how but somehow I played the song Josie just played. I look at her. "How?" I shrug. "I-It's b-be-been f-f-fifteen m-m-minutes, I'm- i'm g-g-gonna head o-ove-over-over t-t-to s-sw-swim." I say getting up and leaving. I realize I don't have my bag and grab it. I slowly walk onto the pool deck. I do my job and leave. I go into the blue and gold. "Pictures?" I nod. I pull out my computer and upload the pictures to my computer and thumb drive. "I-I h-ha-have t-t-to g-g-get t-t-to w-w-work. I-i-I'll ed-edit th-th-them to-to-toni-tonight." She nods. "Ok. Do you need a ride?" I shake my head. I walk out and go to the car. I see Cheryl walk out of the school and come over to me. "Work?" I nod. She kisses me. "After work, if you're not too tired to do want to do something?" She ask quietly. "D-d-depends." I whisper. "Want to go to the drive in?" I smile. "Yea-yeah." She kisses me again and we get into the car. Cheryl drops me off at work.


"You have to stop babying her." Sweet Pea says handing me the keys to his truck. "She's 18! Almost 19! Let her live a little. She's gonna need you but not at every moment of every day! She's not 5!" He explain. "I know you worry about her, but the more you push the further she's gonna go! Until she's gone!" I nod. "I know! I just worry about her so much." I look at him. "That's ok! Just stop treating her like a baby!" I nod. Veronica and Toni pull up to the house. Toni slowly gets out and walks over to me. "Wh-when a-a-are w-w-w-we go-gonna g-go?" She ask quietly. "Around 7." She nods. "I'm g-g-gonna t-ta...t-t-take a-a-a sh-show-sh-shower." I nod. "Ok! I'll be up in a minute." She goes upstairs and takes a shower. "Sweet Pea! Do you need a ride?" Veronica ask. "Yeah actually." He says. "Get in." Sweet Pea looks at me. "If there's so much as a dent in my car, I will run you over until you're dead." I nod. "I know." He leaves and I go upstairs. I walk into the bedroom. Toni walks out of the bathroom slowly. I look at her. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. I cup her cheeks. "I love you." She smiles. "I-I l-love y-y-you." She smiles. She kisses me. "M-m-movie!" She says smiling. "Yeah, it's The Breakfast Club." She smiles. "I knew you were gonna like that." She pulls me into a kiss. "You hungry?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I-I a-a-ate a-at w-w-work. A-are y-you?" She ask. "Yeah, but I just needed to figure out if we should stop somewhere first. I'll just get a hot dog or something at the drive in." She perks up. "Th-tha-that d-doe-doesn't s-suck." I smile. "Yeah?" She nods. I pull her into a kiss. The kiss deepens and gets heated. I pull away. "We're gonna miss the movie if we don't go now." She nods.

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