Where's My Love

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"You sure you don't want to come?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Call me, in something happens." I look at her. "Fine text me! Also Veronica gonna be here at 7:25 to pick you up. She's gonna bring you to speech today. Ok?" I nod. She hands me my breakfast. "You can also text her if something happens. Ok?" I nod again. "I'm babying you. I know." I smile. "I-I-I d-d-don't h-h-hate i-it a-a-as m-much a-as I should- should. I-it's s-s-sweet." I tell her. She kisses my cheek. "Your lunch is in the fridge. I filled your water bottle. It's just some pita bread and hummus with some Apple slices and bell pepper slices." I look at her. "The orange one that you like. I love you, have a great day. If anything happens text me." She whispers. "Y-y-yes m-m-mommy." She smiles. She leaves and I wait for Veronica to pick me up. She rings the door bell and I open it. "Ready?" She ask. I nod. "You got everything?" I think for a second and nod. "All your work?" I nod again. "Books?" She ask. I nod. "Lunch?" I shake my head and grab it. We go to her car and go to school. "You don't talk much." She says. "Did you have a stutter before the accident?" She ask. "N-not a-a-as b-b-bad." I say quietly. "I-it w-was-wasn't s-se-severe. It-it w-was m-m-more f-f-full s-s-sentence-sentences." I explain.  "I'm sorry." I shrug. "You don't drive much do you?" I nod. "I-I-I n-n-never g-g-got m-my l-lic-license." I tell her. "I-I do-don't e-e-ev-even l-l-l-like b-b-being i-in a c-c-car." She nods. "When did it happen?" She ask. "W-w-we w-were t-twelve." I tell her. "I-I-I c-c-can h-h-have s-s-se-senior d-d-di-ditch d-d-day n-next y-y-year." I say quietly. "You're not gonna graduate?" I shake my head. "How do you know that!" She says trying to 'lift my spirits!' I look at her. "I-it's a-a-almost m-m-m-March a-and i-I'm i-i-in r-re-remedial e-e-everything. M-m-my g-gr-grades s-s-suck." I explain. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "It's... f-f-fine." I say slowly. We pull into school. "You have-." I stop her. "I-I-I know." I say before getting out of the car. I go and walk into school. Veronica runs over to me. I look at her pissed. "You forgot your bag." She says. I take a it and go to homeroom.

I sit down in front of Veronica and Betty. We all just stare at each other in a awkward silence. "This is weird without Cheryl." Betty finally says. I look at her. "I-i-i-it's a-aw-awkward f-f-for m-m-m-me a-an-any-w-w-ways." I say quietly. "I-i d-d-don't r-r-real-really l-l-like e-e-e-eith... either o-o-of y-you." I tell them. "W-where's m-m-m-my l-lu-lunch?" I ask. "You put it in your locker." I get up and go to my locker. "Yo T-T-Toni!" I groan and ignore Reggie. "Your not gonna acknowledge me?" He ask. I open my locker. "Or are you worried about s-s-stuttering?" He says before pushing me. "Reg. That's enough." Archie says trying to get him to leave. The push each other back and forth a few times until Reggie finally leaves. "I'm sorry about him." Archie whispers. I look at him and shrug. "H-h-he w-wasn't wr-wrong." I say before leaving.

I walk into math. "Toni, you're not supposed to be here." The teacher says. "You're supposed to be in English." I sigh. "Where's Cheryl?" He ask quietly. "S-she's s-s-sick." I whisper before leaving. I stop. Where do I go? I sigh.


"Is Toni ok?" I ask Veronica. "Yeah. She's just not listening to me or anyone else." I sigh. Sweet Pea looks at me to get me to hurry up. "I'm sorry about that. I don't really know what to do about it. I have to go." I hang up. I go over to Sweet Pea and Josie. "What was that?" Josie ask quietly. "Toni isn't listening to Veronica or anyone really." I say quietly. "Why?" She ask. "Because it's Toni. She's honestly so depressed I'm surprised she gets out of bed sometimes." I explain. "She barely listens to Sweet Pea and I." I say quietly. "Have you guys tried therapy?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, they medicated her and she tried to kill herself because she had enough energy to do that." I explain. "Call her and tell her to listen to Veronica!" I laugh. "Toni doesn't call well, she can barely have a conversation face to face." She nods. "You need to stop treating Toni like she's 5!" Sweet Pea says. "She needs someone there contently telling her what she needs to do and shit like that!" I say quietly. "Get her someone to do it!" He yells. "She's not your fucking problem!" He says before walking away. I take a deep breath. "You guys fight like siblings." I nod. "Thanks." I say. He comes back over. "She's family." He says. "Her father was a serpent! She's one of us." I look at him. "We protect each other." I sigh. "She's not a serpent though." I remind him. "By blood." I slap him. "She doesn't want to be, so she's not." He groans.

I walk into the house. "How's Toni?" I ask Veronica. "She's upstairs sleeping." I nod. "How was her day?" I ask quietly. "She didn't really tell me. She got really frustrated a few times in the ride home. I don't really know why, I only really saw her at lunch and obviously after school. She has her speech therapy and when we came home she went to sleep." She explains. "I'm gonna go check on her." I say before going upstairs. I sit on the bed. "Toni..." I rub her back. She looks at me and she looks like she's been crying a little. "What happened?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "R-Reggie." She whispers. I sigh. "Was he giving you shit?" She nods. "About your stutter?" She nods again. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head. "Besides that how was the rest of school?" I ask quietly. "F-f-fine. I-I k-k-kept g-going t-t-to the w-wrong- wrong p-p-places." She says quietly. "M-m-my m-mem-m-memory i-is g-g-getting w-w-worse." She whispers. "Short term or long term?" I ask quietly. "Sh-sh-sho-short t-t-term." She says quietly. "We should start doing some of the therapies again." She nods. "I'm gonna kick V out so we can cuddle and stuff." She smiles. I get up and go to Veronica. "Is she ok?" She ask. I nod. "Yeah, some stuff with Reggie happened but she's gonna be ok." I say quietly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know! I would have-." I interrupt her. "It's ok!" I tell her. "She didn't say anything!" I nod. "She wouldn't even if he physically harmed her." I say quietly. I look at her. "Can I go home now?" I nod. "Tell your dad I think he's cute just to creep him out." She laughs a little. "I will." She says before leaving. I go upstairs to Toni. "Do you want to put on a movie?" I ask quietly. "F-f-family g-g-guy." I shake my head. "I don't have Hulu and it's not on Netflix." She nods. "T-t-the-the o-off-office." I nod. I lie down next to her. She lies into me. "A-a-are y-y-you w-w-w-wi-with m-me b-b-be-c-c-cause y-y-y-you f-f-f-feel b-ba-bad f-f-for m-m-me?" She ask quietly. "No, it's because I love you. Besides we've been friends since before the accident." I whisper. She sits up. "I know that doesn't really answer your question. And I've only really started to have feelings for you after the accident, but honestly it was because we were spending more and more time together, not because I feel bad for you." She smiles. "And if I did, it's definitely more than that now." I tell her. "I-I-I'm g-g-gon-n-n-na m-m-mar-r-ry y-y-you o-o-on-one d-da-day." She says quietly. "When?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "How- how w-w-w-was t-th-the trip?" She ask quietly. "Good! Sweet Pea and I got into an argument." She looks at me. "About me?" I nod. "I-i-i-I'm s-s-sor-r-ry." I shrug. "It's ok." I smile. "It was good intentions from both of us." I look at her. "D-d-d-di-did y-y-you s-s-sl-sla-slap h-h-h-him?" She ask quietly. She smiles. "Y-y-y-you h-h-ha-have a-a ha-hab-habit o-o-o-of s-sla-slap-p-ping h-him." I smile. I kiss the top of her head. "Y-y-yo-you." She whispers. "I love you too." I smile.

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