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Here's the playlist for this book I finally figured out how to do this lol

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Here's the playlist for this book I finally figured out how to do this lol


I pull Toni closer to me as we sway to the music. "H-h-how d-did y-y-you l-l-learn t-t-to d-dance?" She ask quietly. "My mom made me take classes because we used to have a big family event once a year and my mom didn't want me and Archie to embarrass the Blossom name." I explain kinda annoyed. She looks at me. "I used to bring Archie as my date because he was the only person mom and I could agree on." She nods. "I-I d-d-don't w-wa-want this t-t-to end." She whispers. "I know." I whisper. "As much as we both hate high school." She smiles a little and lies her head on my shoulder. "I l-love you." She whispers. I look at her. "Your speech has gotten better." She smiles. "I'm really proud of the progress you've made. There's been set backs but still." I whisper pulling her into a kiss. "I love you too." I say quietly. "I'm n-n-not r-r-ready fo-for next w-week." She whispers. "I don't think anyone is."


Cheryl walks over to me. "You ok?" She ask helping me zip up my graduation gown. "H-h-how d-did I d-do th-this?" I ask quietly. "What? Manage to somehow pass high school?" I nod. She shrugs. "You can thank me, Betty and the sleepless nights where I almost killed you." I smile a little. "Come on." I look at her. "What?" She smiles. I take a deep breath. She pulls me into a kiss. "I-I l-l-love y-you."

"Antoinette Topaz!" Mr. Honey announces. I walk across the stage and take my diploma. I shake Mr. Honey's name. "Come to my office after school on Monday." I nod and walk off the stage. I sit down next to Sweet Pea. "What did he just tell you?" He ask quietly. "Nothing." I whisper. A few other people go and we all throw out caps. After everything I find Cheryl. She looks me. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Let's head to Pops." She says quietly. I nod as we go to her car. Once we get to Pops it's already packed. Veronica comes over and grabs our arms. "Wh-what a-a-are y-you d-doing?" I ask. She smiles as we all go downstairs to see Sweet Pea, Betty, Fangs, Kevin, Archie and Josie. I look at Cheryl and she just smiles. "You birthday is on Monday and we're all gonna be crying because it's our last day together, so we figured we would do it now while everyone is happy and not an emotional wreck." Veronica explains. Archie and Betty bring over a cake and they all sing happy birthday to me. "Make a wish babe." Cheryl whispers rapping her arm around me. I think of a wish and blow out the candles. Everyone claps. "What did you wish for?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I can't tell you, it won't come true." She smiles. "You're right." She kisses me. "Can you give me a hint?" I shake my head.

I walk into Mr. Honey's office. "Y-you wanted t-to s-s-see me?" I ask quietly. "Yes!" He says standing up. "This was giving to me to give to you after you graduated. Your mom gave it to me, she said is was from your dad and than she knows you won't talk to her so she asked me to give it to you." He hands me an envelope. "I would open that when you get home, I don't really care about what's in there." He says pretty much shoving me out of his office. I nod. "You've improved a lot over the past few years. I think if you keep doing what you're doing and you keep your friends who care about you around, I think you'll be back to a some what normal life for yourself." He says quietly. I nod. "Th-thanks." I say before walking out to the parking lot. I see Cheryl. She smiles. "What's that?" She ask quietly. "Th-the college m-m-money, m-my d-dad left m-m-me j-just f-for me to n-not use." I say sadly. "How about this, you and I are probably gonna get married and have children because we've been through to much not to. We can either put this aside for our future kids, or we can use it to help pay for some of your therapies." She explains. "I-I d-don't kn-know h-how m-much is in h-h-here." I whisper. "Open it." I open the envelope and see the money. "Holy shit!" I blurt out. She looks at it. "50 grand?!" She blurts out. "What do you want to do with it?" She ask quietly. "Th-therapy. B-b-because I kn-know that's wh-what m-my d-d-dad would h-have d-done." She smiles. "You sure?" I ask quietly. I nod. She looks at me. I take a deep breath. "W-w-w-we could s-sp-spl-spl-split i-i-it." I say. She nods. "It's your choice." She says quietly.


I rap my arm around Toni and the door bell rings. "For fuck sake!" I whisper getting up from the couch and getting the door. I open it and see Sweet Pea. "What?" I ask quietly. "I'm supposed to be leaving for college and I'm not leaving until I see Toni." He explains. Toni slowly walks over. "I'll be in the living room." I say awkwardly. They both nod as I walk away. I sit down and watch tv. They hug and have a moment. Toni walks back into the living room and sits next to me. "You ok?" She shakes her head. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head again. "Later." She whispers lying her head on my lap. I stroke her hair. I feel the tears running down her face onto my leg.

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